Chapter 19

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It all happened so fast.

The tall figure came into the room and immediately started walking over towards Spencer and I.

"Hey, who are you? Where are we?"

Spencer just wanted answers but I couldn't help but stay a little frozen with fear considering this guy knocked my lights out last time I saw him.

He stayed silent and didn't answer Spencer. The room was quite large so he had a long way to walk, which is what he did, just walked towards us without saying anything. As he neared closer, I could make out a black trench coat that covered most of his body. He wore black boots and a black mask. I could not point out one distinguishing feature on this guy, he knew how to hide his identity well.

He was only a little ways away from us now.

"y/n, whatever happens, fight back."

"Got it."

The man came right up to me, and without hesitation, he grabbed me by my ankles and started to drag me away from Spencer.

I scrambled to try and loosen the grip he had on me but it was no use. He held on tight and I couldn't defend myself.

I looked at Spencer with tears in my eyes.

I didn't know what was going to happen to me or him once the man has taken me and I wasn't planning on finding out.


I stuck out my hands for him to try and grab but it was too late.

I was too far away for Spencer to reach in time.


The man didn't stop. Not even with me struggling to break his hold or Spencer yelling at him.

I kicked at him and scratched at the cement trying to hold on to something that I knew deep down wasn't there. All I could hear was the beating of my own heart. Spencer was merely background noise, screaming and cursing at him in hopes he would somehow leave me and approach him.

I got one last look at Spencer. It was blurry given the tears that had been gathering in my eyes and my hair which was all over my face from struggling. I could still see he was scared. I was scared too. They try and prepare you for things like this but once it actually happens, that's a different story.

There I went.

Through the door on the west end, with the man, leaving Spencer, not knowing if I'd be coming back.

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