Chapter 10

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The rest of the team left while Spencer and I made our way to a separate room.

We really didn't have much to work with, three photographs and a single letter. Yet at the same time, the letter might tell us a lot more than we think.

"So where should we start?"

I didn't know what else to say, I had to break the tension somehow. Talking to him about the case at hand, even though it potentially involved us, seemed like a good place to start.

"Probably with the translation of his name and how it connects to his message."

I missed hearing his voice.

I missed hearing him speak in an actual calm manor and not yelling at me to leave him alone.

"Alright so "destroyer of worlds", worlds as in people on the team? If this was a direct message to us then maybe his name is referring to us as well."

"But taking the pictures into account, they didn't include the whole team. Just it's couples."

Well not really. Just it's couples, minus the dearly departed relationship that was Spencer and I.

"Pictures of couples, destroyer of worlds, worlds could mean..."

[Both y/n and Spencer] "Relationships."

This was just one piece of the puzzle.

But it's a start.

"Based on the language and demeanor expressed in the letter, our unsub has to be a male."

"I agree Spencer, but isn't it usually females who target other relationships out of jealousy? I mean, what's this guy have against our relationships that makes him want to destroy them?"

"And if he wants to destroy relationships then why would we have a picture of us, y/n?"


"I honestly can't answer that Spencer."

"Our relationship has already been "destroyed" so there has to be something more to it."


I knew we might have to analyze the pictures and question why ours was in there but geez didn't think our past relationship was technically "destroyed".

Not for me anyway.

"The letter said "This is my message to you, the key to understanding the fate that's been sealed for certain agents.". Would the certain agents be those in the photos?"


"Spencer, you don't think WE'RE the "certain agents" right?"

"Our picture was the only one with markings, it's the only one that doesn't belong in the group."

"He did say the source of his rage was obvious."

"Then I guess we know who he's after."

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