Chapter 16

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I rolled up my sleeve and pressed the button on the side of the watch.

A L L  C L E A R

God I hope I remembered the code well enough for that to make sense.

I wasn't sure if he still kept his watch on. He probably doesn't. I'll have to just go let him know the upstairs is clear.

I went to go walk to the stairs when all of a sudden my watch started to vibrate.

C O M E  D O W N S T A I R S  Q U I C K

Running as fast as I could without making too much noise, I went down the stairs and began to walk through the first floor with my gun drawn.

All rooms were clear.

Then I got to the living room.

Spencer was knelt down on the ground in front of a kid who was sitting in one of the chairs.

"Hey it's ok alright, see?"

He put his gun down on the ground but I kept mine drawn.

"Spencer? Everything ok here?"

"Yeah everything's fine. He won't talk much but I know he's scared of the guns. Will you put yours away? I checked the rest of the rooms, everything is clear."

I put my gun away but the kid continued to stare at me.

"Where did you come from? Are you hurt?"

Spencer was just trying to comfort the kid but he still wouldn't talk.

I started to walk towards him thinking I could help. The kid started moving around and making noises, pointing at my gun.

"I think it might have to be completely out of his sight in order for him to be able to calm down."

"Spencer I don't think that's a good idea-"

"Please y/n?"

I took my gun back out and gently placed it on a table behind Spencer. Out of the boy's sight.

I thought it was odd that there was no sign of life in the house but here this kid was. He wasn't scraped up, no dirt on his clothes, he seemed perfectly fine. And if this place was locked, how on earth did he get in here? I looked around where the boy was sitting and noticed something under his chair. I moved a bit to the side to get a good look.

Oh my god.

I could make out a small bottle. According to the label, it was a drug used to put people to sleep.

This is a trap.

The boy noticed I was staring and said:

"I'm sorry."

Spence looked at him.

"Sorry for wha-"


The boy took something from behind his back and just as Spencer turned to look at me, he was hit by the needle that the boy had in his hand.

He passed out almost immediately.

I reached for my phone as I ran towards Spencer, frantically dialing Hotch.

Just as I was about to call him, I was shoved aside.

I hit the table and my head started spinning. I couldn't make out who just pushed me but I knew I had to act quick. I reached for my gun that was on the table near a now unconscious Spencer.

I was centimeters away from grabbing my gun when two strong hands grabbed me by my ankles and pulled me back.

My gun was out of reach.

I flipped over onto my back to get a look at this person but all I saw was a tall figure standing over me.

My head was pounding and the room was blurry.

I looked around for anything to defend myself with but there was nothing I could get to in time.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched the figure raise their arms, getting ready to strike.

I took one last look at Spencer, he was still lying on the ground, not moving.

I stared at whoever this was, head on.

I had nowhere else to go, nothing to help me get out of this.

The figure's arms came down at lighting speed...

Then everything went black.

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