Chapter 15

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The inside of the house was as beautiful as the outside.

It was almost completely empty from what we could see, a few pieces of furniture covered in cloth were placed in what looked like the dining room.

Spencer silently nodded his head towards the stairs which signaled that I was to check the second floor.

I slowly went up the stairs, gun drawn, and Spencer headed into the dining room to begin his search on the first floor.

I reached the top of the steps and walked into the first room, checking behind doors and in closets.


I continued the same procedure for every room on the floor and there was no sign of life.

We usually would yell "clear" to let the other know that whatever area you were checking was safe but Spencer and I both had realized that we should keep noise to a minimum. Judging by the knowledge this unsub has, he has definitely heard our voices so yelling to each other may not be the best idea.

Then I remembered our bracelets.

It was our 6 month anniversary.

I had given Spencer a rare collection of poems by Edgar Allen Poe for our anniversary. To say the least, he was definitely excited. I remember his own personal edition got ruined while on a case so I knew getting him a new one would mean a lot.

Spencer was up next to give a gift.

I specifically told him no gifts. Only because nobody needs gifts to show their affection.

I knew Spencer loved me and he knew I loved him. That's all we needed.

But of course, he insisted, and boy is he good at persuading people.

"I'll be right back y/n!"

"Oh boy."

Spencer ran across the room and into ours to grab what I presumed to be the gift.

A couple minutes go by and then I hear something fall.

It was either Spencer or a lamp. They pretty much weigh the same.

"Are you alright in there Spence?"

"Yeah. Great. All good. Close your eyes!"

I closed my eyes and listened.

I heard light shuffling across the wood floor until it got closer and closer.

Then it stopped.

"Open your eyes."

It was a small brown box. It looked plain and simple on the outside but I had no clue what might be inside.

I took the box from his hands and slowly opened it.

In the box, laid what looked like a small white wristwatch.

"I'll help you put it on."

Spencer reached in the box and picked up the watch.

He then put it on my wrist and said nothing else. He definitely was trying to see how long it would take me to figure it out.

I noticed a small button on the side of the watch so I pressed it.

I heard a small buzzing sound. Not from my watch but somewhere else.

I looked up at Spencer to see him smiling.

He was wearing the same watch.

"What is it?"

"It's so we can talk to each other whenever we're apart or away from our phones. We use morse code to send messages which then go to the other person's watch and they receive that message by vibrations."

"I love it Spence. Thank you."

After that, we stayed up all night, learning morse code.

Wait, let me rephrase that.

I stayed up all night learning morse code.

Spencer passed out halfway through his explanation on the origin of the code.

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