Chapter 22

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I'm done.

There's no chance we can get out of this. I have no idea where the team is or if they even know where to look for us but it doesn't look good so why should I act like it does. My head hurts even worse now that it's taken a hit not once but twice. My whole body aches. I'm just exhausted.

And would you look at that, i'm right back in this dumb room.

With Spencer.

If he didn't say anything to that crazy guy we wouldn't be here in the first place. We would've had a normal day at the office and I wouldn't be lying on the floor, tied up, with what felt like a double concussion.

If that's even a thing.

He always blames himself for every little thing. If something goes wrong it's apparently always his fault. He didn't make a single mistake on that map during that case. He just felt the need to take responsibility for something we couldn't control. So now we're both stuck here, no way of getting out, basically waiting for literally anything else to go wrong.

"y/n I know you're up."

I'm not speaking to him. If I do then everything is just gonna spill out. He's just trying to get me to say something, he doesn't know i'm actually awake.

"You're doing that thing where your feet shuffle when you're thinking."

Shit, ok then.

"What do you want." I said without turning to look at him.

"Oh so you are up?"

"Yep. What."

"What's wrong? Look at me."

I let out a sigh and then turned to face Spencer. Here it comes.

"Oh you want to know what's wrong? Well hm let me see. FIRST, I literally got dragged across the floor and got a concussion trying to defend your unconscious ass. Maybe, just maybe, if you didn't put your gun down to talk to a strange child who obviously didn't belong in that house and then PROCEED to make me put MY gun down just so the kid could end up knocking you out, we wouldn't be here. SECONDLY, I just got dragged across the floor AGAIN by the same deranged idiot who did it in the first place. Not only did I get dragged a second time, but I was also given the amazing gift of YET ANOTHER CONCUSSION."

"We wouldn't have even been at the house if you didn't insist on finding out where that dumb key led to." Spencer muttered under his breath.

I let out a small laugh.

"You want to play that game huh? Ok. Well, I had a talk with the nice man behind mystery door number 1 and he told me all about what makes him tick. And do you want to know what it is Spencer? I'd love to tell you."

He just stared blankly at me.

"It's you! Can you believe it? First it was the whole team, but no. He decided to focus on ol' Spencer."

"What are you talking about?"

"The case back in Chicago with the woman we couldn't save. You decided on the great idea to take the blame for the woman not making it. Ring any bells? Well guess who did this whole thing? Her husband! What a shocker."

"It was my fault though."

"You see, it wasn't Spencer. I went over the map before Hotch packed everything away and there was no mistake. You did nothing wrong. You just constantly feel like you're to blame when anything goes wrong. Now if you didn't say that, THEN we wouldn't be here."

"But why-"

"He was just so angry at the team for taking away his love that he planned to take away ours as well. But when he saw me and you, he was just so eager to take away yours first. Which he believed had already been done for awhile but apparently he's the all-powerful love god now and he says we're still in love."

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