Chapter 14

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"How long was this guy watching us?!"

I couldn't hold it in any longer, I was now freaking out both on the inside and outside.

"y/n I need you to calm down alright?"

"Calm down? Spencer this was our place for how long? Nobody knew about the house except us. You know how close this guy must've been to hear us talk about it?"

"I know, I know. I just need you to take a deep breath and compose yourself because we are at this address and we need to be ready for anything once we enter that house."

Hearing Spencer's voice reassuring me calmed my nerves a little. I knew I had to be on high alert when going into that house but this spot just brings back so many memories and it's important to the both of us.

I let a tear fall from my eye. I felt more coming but I tried my best to hold it all in.

Spencer noticed and grabbed my hand.

He didn't say anything, he just held my hand.

I started to cry even more. The car was silent and while I was breaking down in the passenger's seat, Spencer still held on.

Once I felt calm enough I looked over to see him turning to face me at the exact same time.

This is why I love him.

Despite us parting ways, ignoring each other, and that fight, I still loved him.

All I could get out was a quiet "Thank you".

He nodded his head and smiled.

"Do you think you're ready to go in?"

"Yeah I'm ready."

He let go of my hand and we got out of the car.

Walking up to the doors of the house we once swore to raise a family in, we looked at each other and made sure we both were prepared for anything that might come our way.

Spencer put the key in the door and twisted it.

The door gave a small *click* then opened, we stepped inside having no idea what was waiting for us.

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