Chapter 18

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"y/n please wake up."

"Say something please. I need you to wake up."

"This is all my fault. I knew I should've just called the team while we were at the office and waited for back up."

"What are you blaming yourself for now."

I said groggily.

"Thank god. You weren't waking up, I didn't know what I was gonna do if you were dead and-"

"I'm fine Spencer, really. I'm doing just great."

My wrists were sore.

I tried moving them around to help but I couldn't. They were tied behind my back, extremely tight, and my ankles seemed to be tied together just as strong.

My vision finally became a bit clearer but that didn't help. I didn't recognize where I was.

"Where the heck are we?"

"No clue. Warehouse, maybe?"

Spencer and I were laying against one of the sides of the very large room.

The walls were bare, a painfully bright white color, and the floor was hard cement. It was cold in the room despite having several bright lights illuminating the entire warehouse. There was only one door and it was located at the west end.

"Spencer are you tied up as well or is it just a me thing?"

"Yep. All tied up."

I gathered the strength to flip around.

I was originally talking with my back to Spencer as I waited to adjust a bit better before moving. Now facing Spencer, I noticed he managed to get himself sitting upright. He also appeared to have been crying but I decided not to address that just yet.

I couldn't sit up. Not yet anyway.

Looking up at Spencer, I could tell his mind was racing. He was trying to find a way out of this. I know I'm not as smart as him, but even I knew deep down that the odds weren't looking good.

We can't think like that though. We have to adapt to our situation and overcome it.

I thought about looking around the room again since my vision was almost completely adjusted. Maybe I could see something I hadn't seen before.

I got distracted from thinking when my gaze turned to Spencer's shoes.

He was a small distance away from me but it was hard to make out what was on his shoes.

But then the different sized specs and lines began to form into something I recognized.

My doodles.

"Nice shoes."

Spencer looked at the pair of converse he was wearing and I could swear I saw him smile, just a tiny bit.

"Thanks. They're still my favorite."

I went to reply back to Spencer, trying to keep us calm while also working to find a way out of this when all of a sudden the door at the west end creaked open.

Spencer and I stared down the newly opened entrance.

Out from the darkness of the other side, came a tall figure.

The same tall figure that had attacked me in that house.

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