Chapter 8

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I arrived at the office and made it where Hotch, along with the team, had been patiently waiting for me to show up.

Of course.

I was the last one to get there.

"Sorry I'm late."

I took a quick look at Spencer but he was focused on the envelope that lay in front of him.

We each had one at our seat.

I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened a couple nights before with Spencer. He seemed so exhausted and all I wanted to do was help. Him yelling at me that night was probably one of the worst things to happened in awhile. I've heard him yell at unsubs before or take a more angered tone with people but he's never raised his voice at me before.

I can't keep thinking about it. I need to focus on work and this meeting.

This so-called "important" meeting that I had to drag myself out of bed for.

Hotch looked serious.

To be fair, he always looks serious but this time something was different.

"I printed out a copy of the letter I received this morning, it was addressed to our team and to our team only."

I opened the envelope sitting in front of me and read the letter.

Dear Team Members of the BAU,

The time has come.

I have plotted, planned, and will execute a long-awaited deed.

My intentions are those of extreme simplicity.

The source of my rage is quite obvious.

The only complex part is the past that will unfold during this time.

Sooner or later my plan will work out, my goal achieved.

Only you, agents, can be held responsible for the events soon to occur.

I will give you no time constraint, no rules to follow.

Simply understand this is for you.

This is a message to you, the key to understanding the fate that's been sealed for certain agents. 

It's only a matter of time.


Pestifer Mundi

Derek was the one to try and crack a joke at the unsettling letter the team just read.

"What kind of name is Pestifer Mundi ? Who names their kid Pestifer ?"

Nobody laughed. After the letter, the whole room felt tense.

"It's Latin."

Spencer had finally looked up from studying the letter. 

The bags under his eyes were still as prominent, if not more, just as they had been last time I saw him.

"Pestifer Mundi  is Latin for, "destroyer of worlds"."

What a name.

Hotch nodded his head. Signaling to us he pretty much knew everything there was about that letter from examining it beforehand.

"Also with the letter, are photocopies of the contents that came along with it."

Reaching into the envelope, I pulled out multiple black and white pictures. There were three pictures and two people could be seen in each one.

Hotch and Beth.

JJ and Will.

Spencer and I.

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