Chapter 12

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"I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you Spence."

"No it's alright. I don't actually mind. I shouldn't have yelled at you about it that night."

Now we're getting somewhere.

"I kind of got in your business so I understand why you got mad at me, it's fine, really."

"You profiled me, and you profiled me correctly. I just wasn't ready to talk about it yet. I should've known you would notice, you always knew when something was wrong."

We were on our way back from one of the toughest cases we've worked.

I sat across from Emily, talking about our weekend plans to lighten the mood.

I glance over at Spencer sitting towards the back of the plane. He was sitting criss-cross on one of the seats, reading a book.

I couldn't help but laugh a little because of how he was sitting.

That boy has such bad posture.

I did notice something was off. It's hard to tell with Spencer since he usually bottles everything up, but I knew I had to check on him.

I told Emily I would be back and headed over to where Spencer was, sitting in the seat right next to him.

"Hey Spence."


"That case was pretty rough. How are you holding up?"

He closed his book but didn't make eye contact.

"Yeah it was. I'm fine though, everything's fine."

You see, it wasn't though.

I could tell when it wasn't but all those other times, I chose to give Spencer his space. This one was different though, he seemed like he really needed someone right now.

"I know you might not want to talk about it right now and that's fine. I just want to say that I'm here for you, whatever you need. Not trying to brag but I am quite good at my job believe it or not and I can tell something is bothering you."

Spencer finally looked up at me and for a moment I could tell, just by saying I was there for him, he needed to hear that.

"Thank you y/n. I'll remember that."

Well at least I know he stayed true to that statement, he did in fact remember that I can automatically tell when something is up.

"Seeing as you remember that, you must also remember that I'm always going to be here for you and I'll always be here to talk."

"I know. It just wasn't a good night for me."

"I get that Spencer. Honestly, it wasn't the best night for me either."

Wasn't the best night?


It hasn't been the best couple months actually.

It was silent for a while. I didn't expect to talk about the events of that night, let alone Spencer acknowledge that I'm always here for him. I feel like the case is bringing this all up and there are plenty more conversations about it ahead.


"Spencer I think you're right about this having to do with our relationship. Or past relationship, whatever."

"What was that?"

"You're right, I think we're what's causing this guy's anger."

"I heard you the first time, I just wanted to listen to you say I'm right."

"Very funny but not the time. The letter said "The only complex part is the past that will unfold during this time.". We just had that whole conversation about me being there for you and you knew that already because of something I told you a little before our relationship began."

"Alright so what now."

"Let's see where this key takes us."

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