Chapter 24

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He had come storming into the room while Spencer and I were somewhat sleeping.

We had endured some exhausting nights and couldn't help but fall asleep, no matter the circumstances we were in.

He hit a switch, quickly filling the room with light, waking Spencer and I up.

"Spencer? Are you... are you up?"

"Yeah what's going on."

Without any words the man walked right up to Spencer and I and threw something on the ground in front of us.

Our phones.

Spencer and I looked at each other confused.

"What are you do-" Spencer was cut off by the man before he got to finish his sentence.

"Your "team" should be here any minute. I've turned on your phones so naturally they'll drive straight to here. This is it. What I've been waiting for."

I widened my eyes and my heart started to beat a little faster once I came to the realization of what this meant. I turned to Spencer who seemed to still be analyzing whatever the man had just said. Spencer noticed I was silently trying to get his attention and seeing the fear in my eyes, his concentration faded.

Keeping as quiet as possible I mouthed the word, "Endgame" to Spencer.

Nothing good was to come from whatever was happening next. The team was on their way, the last part of his plan, and we were now in his endgame.

The man turned around to face Spencer and I and gave a devilish smile before lifting me from where I was sitting.

Kicking or screaming wasn't going to do much, it's best to avoid making him mad when he is already well into his final phase.

There I was standing next to him, unable to get away, watching Spencer yell at him to let me go. Spencer could care less about being calm at this time, he looked to be at his breaking point too.

I never really noticed how beautiful Spencer's eyes were. Even after long nights of talking to each other or just laying in bed taking in the life we had, I never stopped to just admire his eyes. Yes they were just a regular shade of brown, but there was something there, something about them that just made them stand out.

Even from inside the giant warehouse the sound of slamming car doors and armies of people could be heard from just outside.

"It's almost time."

I wish me and Spencer lasted. I'll never understand what he was thinking during that fight, why he would think letting me go would prevent him from hurting me. All it did was hurt. I was hurt for so long, all the while he believed he saved me from exactly what I was going through. I love that boy. I may not get what goes on in that crazy mind of his but one thing's for sure, I love him.

I wish I told him that one more time. I feel like I never said it enough. Though, does anyone ever say it enough?

I love you Spencer.

The man was getting ready for whatever came next in his plan. STill with a tight grip on me, he began to speak to Spencer.

"You took my love from me. You all did, but you, it's your fault. You stupid people take love for granted. I lost everything, EVERYTHING, the night she died."

"I- I'm sorr-" Spencer couldn't even speak.

"No, you don't get to talk just yet. I had to go through the pain of losing the love of my life and you just threw yours away."

He pulled my hair so I would look up and see Spencer, he was crying.

"You did this. You sit there and cry but it's your fault. It's too late for anything now."

He began to search for something in his back pocket.

"Answer me this Dr.Reid..."

Spencer froze and the question he was just asked. I saw the uncertainty in his eyes, the blank expression of not knowing how to respond. I stood there wondering if he would ever say anything but it just remained silent. Faint footsteps of a group of people began increasing in volume.

"No answer?"

Even his tears had ceased, Spencer was completely quiet. His eyes darted from me to the man, trying to figure out anything that could be done. He began to open his mouth to say something but no words came out.

"Thought so."


A shot rang out.

And for what seemed like a lifetime...

the world began to slow.

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