Chapter 13

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Spencer and I got in the car and put the address into the GPS.

I texted the team saying we were checking out a possible lead. I decided not to include the bit about this whole thing kinda sorta revolving around Spencer and I because then we would be locked up somewhere under "safe watch".

Though, "safe watch" was probably the better option.

Oh well.

"You know what y/n, this address does look familiar."

"Told you so."

I let out a laugh, he would always get a little annoyed when someone got the opportunity to tell him "I told you so".

He tried to hide it, but I could see Spencer smile once I started laughing.

I'm glad things are like this. No more seriousness all the time or only work conversations.. We were actually talking like the good old days.

"You know y/n, I'm glad we're talking again. I know technically we have been because we talk about the cases and work, but just casual conversations like these is what I missed."

Exactly what I was thinking.

"I've missed them too Spencer."

I've also missed you but that's another conversation. One that I'll probably refrain from having.

"Alright we're here."

Spencer pulled over to the side of the road and parked across the street from the address.

I stared out my window.

"Um, I think you might want to look at this."

I pointed at the park we were now next to. The park that explained why we thought the address sounded familiar.

It was the place where Spencer and I would go on dates.

The place where he told me he loved me for the first time.

Where he promised me that we would move into our dream house and start a family.

It clicked in my head.

If the park was there...

And the address was across the street...

Then the key must belong to...

Our dream house.

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