Chapter 21

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"Has anyone heard from y/n or Reid?"

Everyone had finished up with checking out the leads, which all came up empty, and Hotch was on a group call.

"I haven't Hotch. How long have they been out?"

JJ was concerned at this point, they had gotten the text from y/n early today.

It was now night.

The others hadn't heard anything new either.

"Does anyone know where they went earlier today? If not, then I want everyone back at the office now so we can see if there's anything in their notes."

Besides the information given by y/n in the group text, nobody else knew anything more about where they went exactly.

"Got it Hotch, be right there."

Morgan was half nervous, half angry. He was obviously worried about how y/n and Reid were doing but part of him wanted to just yell. They should've known not to check out a place without backup.

The rest of the team finally reached the office and were sitting down in the conference room. They were trying to find out the other's whereabouts based on the pages of notes left behind.

"y/n really does write everything down."

Emily had known y/n for the longest, they met while at a bar and have been best friends ever since. She was right, y/n wrote everything down, notes on meetings and notes on cases.

"And thank god she does. Without these, we wouldn't have anything to go off."

And Hotch was right.

Some of the papers had read,

"Unsub's aggression is towards Spencer and I?"

"Package delivered at 8:45, no return address."

"Package contained key to house."

"No other contents in package."

"Alright so wherever this key led them to is where they must be, right?"

"It's not that easy Derek, they could be at a secondary location by now if something has happened to them. And if we don't even know the first place, how on earth would we find the second?"

"Well alright Emily, I don't suppose you know this location then?"

"y/n wrote in her notes that her and Spencer were possibly the source of our unsub's rage right? The place must be specific to them. That's our best bet. What's a place that's important to the both of them?"

"Wherever there's books."

"Nice one Rossi."

"Uh, what about that house near that park they used to be at all the time."

"Oh yeah JJ, the one where he brought us and did that whole thing for y/n."

"I'll have Garcia put it in the GPS and we'll head over now."

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