Chapter 23

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"They aren't here Hotch."

The team had been trying to keep calm but with no sign of Spencer or y/n, things weren't looking good.

"Maybe we should go public Hotch. I have some connections with the news stations, I can have their pictures broadcasted in minutes. Maybe someone has seen them."

"No JJ. This is between us and whoever is doing this. We just need a lead."

And almost like magic, Hotch's phone begins to ring.

It's Garcia.

"Sir, oh my gosh I have them. I found them. I know where they are."

"Garcia I'm going to need you to calm down and tell us where to go. How did you find them?"

"Their phones were activated, no clue why, but they were turned on and so I was able to trace their location to a warehouse. The exact address has already been sent to your GPS. Keep me posted sir, please."

"Thanks Garcia, I will."

Hotch hangs up the phone and turns to the rest of the team.

"According to Garcia she was able to get their locations because their phones had been activated. This means there is a very good chance that this is exactly what our unsub wants us to do, go get them. We'll proceed with the plan to find Spencer and y/n but back up will definitely be needed. Morgan will you call that in?"

"Sure thing."

"Let's go get our team members back."






-Sorry this is quite short but FINAL CHAPTERS ARE COMING UP!!!!!! If you've stuck around to read my story thank you so much, it means the world<3

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