Chapter 11

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"What should we do? Should we call everyone?"

On the outside I was relatively calm but on the inside I was freaking out.

I cried about him for so long. I wished we never broke up. I wished he never let me walk out that door. I tried to move past us despite still being in love with Spencer.

But here we are.

That relationship, landing us right in the middle of this.

Spencer and I were about to call the team when a package was brought to the room we were in.

We looked at each other.

The package read:

"From Pestifer Mundi "

I motioned for Spencer to open it but he didn't budge.

What a scaredy cat.

I reached for the package and started to open it.

It was pretty light and sounded like something small was sliding around every time the package was tilted.

Flipping it upside down, a small metal key fell out. Attached to it, a name tag with an address.

"I think now might be a good time to call the team."

"Really Spencer? Because I was thinking we should go check out where this key takes us and THEN we call the team."

"That's a terrible plan."

"I think you mean a great plan."

" I don't. We are quite possibly the object of this guy's rage and so walking right into his trap can not be considered a "great plan" at all."

"But what if that's his plan. He thinks we won't go because we've figured him out and so we'll send the team but maybe it's a trap for them. We should go, I swear I recognize this address."

"No absolutely not."

"You're no fun Spence."

I did not just call him Spence.

Didn't he specifically tell you in a very serious tone to NOT call him Spence, y/n?

Yes, yes he did.

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