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Feeling the cool breeze touch your face when you look out side from the back seat of a car window, while your hair flow back with the wind, feeling the cool air and you feel all pretty and epic. The feel of that one moment in the whole long journey  is intense and lovely in itself. We've all felt it . And we've all loved it.

Now think the same feeling multiplying a hundred times on the back seat of a convertible. That is how Amelia felt right now. While her friend Bella drove the car, and Marco clicked the photographs of the amazing view,she sat relaxing in the back seat. Jack and Taylor followed them, in another car. They've been sticking together since two years now.

Meet Amelia, Your typical high school innocent beauty, who tends to see the good in bad, the beautiful in ugly, the innocence in the cunning and flowers among the cactus. A grade student, who is responsible, determined and simply amazing.

Meet Bella, The bad ass bitch of all as they say. She makes sure everyone's life is a living hell in school. She added Amelia in the group when she moved from another town.
The typical red haired girl with beautiful blue eyes that are always hiding her real self from others.

Meet Marco,
Bella's twin, and a play boy. You got that didn't you? Well he stopped his petty little acts when Amelia entered their little scene. No one is sure of his intentions, and his kind words around Amelia adds on to the confusion.

Meet Tylor,
The coolest person alive and the typical smart pants. Amelia's best friend.
The one who knows everything about codes and hacking, to the one who can fix any situation in his dad's business deals. He does it all.
And well he is Bella and Marco's cousin on their dad's side.

Meet Jack,
Tyler's Boyfriend, and the one who needs a day at the spa or at least all the designer stuff, from his clothes to the laces of his shoes.
From the watch on his wrist to the
handkerchief in his pocket. Although the smart ass is ready to discuss any current issue being the only son of the town Mayor, he knows what's going around.

Face's don't really say what the heart desires, at least not in the case of the clever ones.

Well these kids glitter like gold from a far, what no one asks is, do they glitter in reality?

Well no one knew and no one will ever know. Or will they?

It was a five hour journey, but it was all worth it. Amelia gasped at the beautiful resort that they had just entered. She couldn't believe the sight in front of her eyes. The resort covered the whole hill and from where Amelia looked at it, all she could see was greenery, with a few flowers here and there.

Bella got off the car and moved towards the reception, while Marco being a gentleman when 'convenient', helped Amelia get off the back seat of the car

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Bella got off the car and moved towards the reception, while Marco being a gentleman when 'convenient', helped Amelia get off the back seat of the car.

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