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The terrifying moment was almost over.

No one was hurt. Mr. Cocoa was found lying in the chocolate box, while the house was scared of the gun shot. The old man warned Bella of her actions, as he was the one to decide who can get of piece of his estate. Marco and the grand dad took care of her for the night, ensuring she didn't have any lethal weapon with her, the list did include  flower vases as well, though she couldn't do much in front of the head of the house. Consulting a good mental care facility was required and this time they knew she needed their support and love.

Shawn had drove Amelia home. The condition of her hair wasn't any good, but at least she survived Bella's wrath and envy. Thankful for that they were. So finally it was over.

As Amelia sat on the couch still fixing her hair and thinking about what all she was told, she looked into thin air, eyes not focused on anything particularly. Getting her a glass of scotch, neat that is, Shawn sat on the same couch facing her, offering her one. Without giving it much thought, she took the glass, and emptied it contents in a minute, which did make her scrunch her face.

"Awo," she exclaimed, "That was strong."

"You needed it," Shawn said placing her glass back on the center table, and sitting back sipping from his glass patiently. Amelia looked at him, before snatching the glass from his hand, and drinking all of it in one go again. 

"Lia," Shawn said looking at her condition, with a scrunching face again.

"That was stronger," she said.

"Dude it was neat, it has to be strong," Shawn said looking at the ceiling.

 "I'm sorry," said Amelia fiddling with the hem of her dress. 

Looking at her Shawn knew she was serious. He closed the distance between them and placed his hands on both sides of her jaw, cupping her cheeks. 

"You don't have to be," he said.

"I should have trusted you," she said avoiding his eyes, while a tear left her eye. "She told me about what she did to you, and your brother" she said looking at him now, "And all this time I thought you were the bad guy,"

"You did?" he asked widening his eyes. 

"I'm sorry," she repeated.

Taking her in a hug, Shawn kissed the top of her head, before placing her in his chest. Amelia was leaning on his chest with her arms folded under her neck, as she tried to hide the regret and the tears. Shawn knew how serious this moment was, but the warmth he felt when she was near him was eternal.

After a few minutes when her breathing was normal, Shawn placed her head on the cushion, lying her down slowly on the couch, as he rose.  Covering her with a woolen soft knitted blanket, he checked the temperature of the room, before sitting on the opposite arm chair after removing his coat, and placing his head back, to finally get some sleep.

As the alarm went off, Shawn stood on his feet, from the sleeping posture, but as soon as he did that, he realized he had  stiff back and neck. 

"Shoot," he cried on pain rubbing the back of his neck. 

"And he tried to be Ryan Gosling," Amelia commented from the kitchen. 

"Ha-ha, hilarious Lia" he fake laughed.

"That, I know for sure, but you need this" she said giving his a hot bottle for his neck. 

"This is how a Bella free life looks like," he said relaxing on the couch.

"She was a friend, Shawn" Amelia reminded.

"Who made sure we were miserable?" he reminded.

"She told me who she manipulated everyone,"

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