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(3 years later)

Looking at the blue sky above, Amelia moved towards her usual cafe, where she would sit and write for hours now, here in New York. Handling the publishing company of her mother, she had completed her creative writing course from New York University, and she would write, when not working.
Tyler would call her on weekends, as the lad moved to South Africa with Jack to work with a few NGOs.
Bella and Amelia were still in touch, the later had gone to Australia to handle her Family's business in the continent.
Marco was studying at the New York University and was the one closest to Amelia. The two would meet often, and would go around the city, exploring every nook and corner.

"Good morning Sara", she said as the bell over the front door chimed.

"And she arrives", the teen said, expecting her at exact 10 in the morning on a Sunday.

"A cup of mocha, coming right up ", Sara asked.

"Thank you", she said, hanging the straps of her handbag on the side of the chair, and placing her laptop on the table, connecting the charger to the plug.

She sat on the chair, and fetched for her notes, and a pen. Opening the page, where she left last night, she opened the pages of her first character, "Tasha". Reading the notes, she closed her eyes, to develop the new scene, and when she was ready, she started typing. Sipping the contents of her cup of coffee, she typed, such that no one could stop her, no one. She was writing a romance scene, and couldn't stop smiling on the little big cliche she had written.

"Ahhh, you are already here, my darling", Mrs. Grayson, the owner said, stepping in through the front door.

"Just like always" Sarah said.

"Good morning Mrs. Grayson," she said.

"Morning? Darling it's already two in the afternoon", she corrected.

"And she is already four cups down," Sarah said.

"Ohhh, no, damn," she exclaimed getting off the chair, and collecting her things from the table and placing it in the bag.

"What happened love?", Mrs Grayson asked.

"I had to met a friend," she explained handing the money to Sara, as she rushed out.

"Wait," Mrs. Grayson demanded, stopping Amelia in her tracks.

"No good can be achieved on an empty stomach, Eat it", she ordered, coming over to Amelia and giving her a Cupcake.

Amelia smiled at her sweetness. It had been a weekend tradition, coming to her coffee, and getting a cupcake from her, ever since she moved here.

"Go now, shouldn't keep a friend waiting now, shall we?" She said, fixing the collar of Amelia's high waist coat, as she took a bite of the cupcake.

Nodding, she turned around and rushed out of the door, managing her bag on her forearm, as she took another bite of the heavenly cupcake.

She rushed down the block, and entered the park, spotting her friend on a bench far near the fountain, holding two hot dogs.

"There you are" She said smiling at Marco, trying to take a hot dog from his hand.

"You're late" Marco said pulling his hand to the other side, stopping her from taking it.

"You are handsome?" She tried to please him.

"Cliche" he said giving her the hot dog finally.



"Why do you go to the cafe, every Sunday? Like there is so much more to do," he asked.

"I...uhm... I just like coffee" she tried to make it seem real.

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