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Shawn went home that day, and moving in his lounge, his eyes caught the attention on the little souvenir Lia had given him three years back. He wasn't sure if he was right, but he guessed that the little key inside the closed jar meant something, something deep. And while he guessed it meant he had an official key to his heart, he wasn't sure if it was even allowed for him to think so cliché  in the 21st century. Keeping it back next to the dove, he took out a chilled beer from the refrigerator and took a sip from it, taking off the grandpa clothes off, now being shirtless. 

Amelia couldn't help but think of the way thinks work around Shawn. Marco found him in the club last night, drunk to a point that all he said was her name. And when she finally was able to pick him up from the club, on Marco's request, she was disgusted from the idea of being next to him. But with a sleepy head on the passengers seat, which Marco had tugged him in with the seat belt, Amelia listened to Shawn's apology, and how he had thought about her every second in the past three years, how he would kiss the little souvenir she had gifted him on a few occasions, and how he would look at her photographs that he had clicked. Since he was out, she also managed to ask him about Bella, to which he had said he hated her, because she had ruined his and his brother's bond for life. Though he passed out before answering more, but Amelia got a fair square of an idea, that he wasn't really at fault. All that she was angry at him now was as to why didn't he call her once. Once. But what had been done, was done. The little hope that was lost, was now again foaming inside her, and no matter how much she denied to like it, she did.

The rest of the week went by with this little feeling she felt inside her. The only highlight being the roses Shawn sent her on one morning. Definitely made her day. It was a Thank you gift for taking care of him, but somewhere she knew it was more than just that. 

Placing them on her vanity table she loved the fragrance that lifted her mood every time she would enter the room

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Placing them on her vanity table she loved the fragrance that lifted her mood every time she would enter the room. 

Another highlight was receiving an invitation to the Saturday Brunch Fest at the local park, which she received because of Shawn. And with that she woke up on Saturday morning fresh to start the day. Wearing a pair of denim shorts with a white top, she let her waves flow down to her waist length. Spraying the perfume lightly, she smiled looking at herself in the mirror.

And with that she moved out of the apartment, where Shawn was waiting to pick her up. The two drove towards the park, and walked towards the tables. Eating their meals, the two looked at the kids playing at the distance. 

"So?" Amelia said.

"So?" Shawn said.

"These muffins are amazing," she said.

"Yah, these are great," he said biting into his muffin.

"So when will we sit down for discussing the terms, and signing the papers?" Amelia asked.

"Let's do it on Wednesday" Shawn suggested.

"Sounds great"

"So Lia what happened in these three years?" Shawn asked. 

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