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Arriving at the resort in a couple of minutes, they walked on the lightly lit path, towards their villas.
"So?", Amelia was the one to break the silence.
"So?", Shawn asked.
"I.....", Amelia said.
"I.....", Shawn repeated.
"I .......", Amelia said turning to him this time in a breathless manner.
"I........", Shawn said going with the flow expecting something nice was coming his way.
"Am sleepy", Amelia said turning back around to walk towards the villa.
"Am....... what?", Shawn said, realising he had been played turning around to face Amelia now, who was walking away from him. Shawn rolled his eyes and chuckled at her.
They entered the gate of Bella's villa, and stopped in front of the main door.
"I had a great time, Goodnight Shawn", Amelia said with a low, a warm smile covered her face.
Shawn looked at the Amelia as the low villa lights made her look even more gorgeous standing in front of him right now.
"Goodnight Lia", he said.
Amelia was about to walk towards the door when she realised something, turning back around she asked, "Why do you call me Lia ?"
Shawn looked at her and said, "Because I like it", he said.
And then Shawn came closer to her and hugged her, taking out the little capsule he had in his pocket. He tried placing it in Amelia's back pocket without her noticing it.
Amelia blushed as she felt his warm body against her in a hug. That hug was so much more. She felt something in her stomach, like butterflies, maybe? She had read it, but had never felt it. She felt amazing. For the first time in her life, she felt this kind of touch. The one that can drive you crazy with just a hug.
She could feel his warm breath on the soft skin of her neck which was exposed from the high neck. She didn't know how long they stood there. But she wished it to be longer.
Shawn drifted away a little, loosening the hold of his arms on her, and said, "So I'll see you tomorrow?"
Amelia looked at the ground, to shy to face him with her cheeks all red now hummed signalling yes.
Shawn turned around and moved towards his villa.
Amelia stood rooted to her spot, the effect of the electrifying hug still lingering on her.
"Are you gonna stand their all night?", Tyler called out to her.
She turned around in a second, to see the front door of the villa open, as Tyler leaned on the frame of the door.
Amelia looked at him in confusion and asked him in shock, "Since when are you standing here?"
Tyler, surprised to see the effect of a simple hug on her said, "I didn't see you blush after the hug, chill"
Amelia listening to this, moved past him entering the villa, hitting Tyler on his stomach with her elbow.
"Ouch, what was that for?", he asked.
Amelia raised her eyebrows at him, and he raised his hand in submission.
"Where are the others?", she asked moving towards the stairs.
"Jack's sleeping, Marco's playing Fifa in his room with this child he bonded with at the bonfire, and Bella isn't back yet", he said, ascending the stairs behind her.
"Shouldn't we be worried about her?", she asked.
"No use", Tyler said, "she takes perfect care of herself, for one and second she never listens to anyone"
"Goodnight Ty", she said moving inside her room, as Tyler moved inside his room, smiling at Amelia before closing the door.

Amelia changed her clothes and folded them, placing the jeans in the hanger, and the high neck with it as well. Just as she moved towards the closet to place them, something fell from her jeans. She picked the small pill from the wooden floor of the walk in closet, and looked at it. It was orange in colour this time.
She was now sure, that Shawn was the one who sent the flowers that morning to the villa.
She placed the hanger in its place, and moved back into her room.
She opened the transparent pill after sitting on her neatly kept bed, and took out the orange colour rolled chit from it.
It said:
"I desire to see the morning sun rise, and the evening sun set in the horizon with you in my arms."


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