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Waking up on a pounding head is bad. That too when you realize you aren't in you room.

That right there is exactly how Shawn felt right now. With a pounding head, he rose in a bed which seemed to all white with brown wooden flooring. White cushions, a white rug and proper white curtains. He removed the quilts to find himself shirtless. He looked around the room to see if it was a hotel. But that didn't like that room. It was way to homely for that. Before he knew the door swung open, and in came Amelia with a tray. 

"What am I doing here?" he said.

"Okay, you clearly don't remember a thing" she stated lowly as she came near him and kept the bed tray holding a glass of water and a pill, along with some sandwiches and a cup of coffee. "There you go."

"Thank you" he said taking the pill for head ache.

"So?" She asked.

"So?" He asked.

"Oh there are a few clothes of my dad's. You can borrow them if you like want to shower" she said.

Shawn looked at her, and smelled himself after listening to her. He realized he smelled of alcohol.

"I should shower" he said.

"But, uhm... what am I doing here?"

Amelia smiled at him.

"Well, what do you remember?" she asked him.

He looked at her and thought about what he remembered.

"I went to the club yesterday?" he said making it sound like a question.

"Yes you def did" she said crossing her arms on her chest as she leaned on the window.

"I don't know the rest" he said.

"Hmm...I guessed that," she stated. "Well a friend called me to pick you up from the club because you were too drunk"

"Wait, A friend? Tyler?"

"No Marco actually, he said that you were creating a scene, so it will be better if someone takes care of you"

"Marco?" He asked in confusion. "He used to hate me"

"He didn't hate you, just didn't like you" she stated.

"Then why did he had to call you to get me, why didn't he did it himself," he raised his eyebrow.

"You didn't want to go with him" she said.

"What? No way in hell," he said.

"Well, you said that... leave it, you should shower" she said as she walked out of the door.

"Lia" he said as she turned around in her track to see him, "Can I...uhm?"

"Yes," she said placing the little strand of hair on her face back behind the ear, and turning around to get him some clothes.

Wearing the clothes of man coming from the 1970's, he couldn't help but not like the big sweater and trousers he wore, making him look older than he really was.

"Lia where are my clothes?" he asked as she showed him where the hair drier was.

"Well they were torn, so I've packed them in that bag"

"Did you tear them ?" he asked without realizing what had he just said.

Amelia looked at him, with wide yes, processing his statement.

"No, I mean...because you seemed upset a little yesterday, so in anger," he explained.

"That was a terrible cover up," she said placing the hair brush on the vanity table.

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