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Buying a gift for Marco wasn't hard. Amelia knew wat he wanted, and without giving it a thought, she went to the care taking center to get little Mr. Cocoa for him. Shawn had to pick Amelia for the evening, and dressing in his perfect Tux, he looked at himself one last time in the mirror. 

Amelia, wearing the red dress, styled her hair in light curls, placing it to one side of her head. With light makeup, but bold red lipstick, she looked at her self, glowing like never before. Life for her was all getting Vanilla chocolate now, but she feared it taking a sour taste. Keeping aside the usual anxiety of things going wrong, she checked her essentials once in her clutch, and placing her phone in it, she moved towards the door hearing the bell ring.

There stood  Shawn looking, in absolute awe, his eyes moving from her feet to her face slowly. 

"Someone's looking handsome," Amelia said.

"Someone's looking..." taking a deep breath, "....Beautiful"

Looking at him, look at her, like that, Amelia felt nervous for the first time. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she stepped out of the house, locking the door behind her.

As he drove on the route entered in the GPS system by Amelia, they listened to his playlist. 

"Shawn, I had something on my mind," she said still looking out of the window.


"You knew who my dad was," se said.

"Yes, you told me" he said.

"So, that means you knew my mom, nd you knew I will be there at the publishing house" she stated.

"Lia, I...uhm"

"Yes or No?" She was firm.


"So you knew where I was all this time?" She asked.

"Yes, I did," He said his eyes still on the road.

And then only silence filled the air. They two of them didn't look at each other, neither did they talk. 

As soon as they Shawn parked the car, Amelia rushed out of the door. 

"Lia," he said rushing to her side, stopping her on her track. 

"What?" She asked.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"You should be," she said.

"Are you for real Lia, really? At least I tried to get back to you, you, didn't even try," he said.

"You did? Wow, you idiot you should have done it earlier," she said looking at him smiling now.

Shawn looked at her in confusion, seeing her smile to one side.

"I was kidding Shawn, relax" she said. "I have to actually thank you."

"For?" He asked.

"It's because of you we got back," she said.

"We as in we?" He asked pointing at himself and then her. 

"Yes, and my family," she said.

Shawn froze to his spot listening to that, while Amelia moved past him to go inside.

"Shawn," she called out turning around, waiting for him. 

Shawn turned around to look at her outstretched hand, for him to take. Placing his hand in her warm soft ones, he lead the way for her.

Feeling the warmth of his hands, Amelia felt this tingling sensation in her abdomen, the typical butterfly feeling, the one which arouses anxiety of what will happen in the future, but provided comfort as well, as you will have this one person by your side at all times. That warmth, love, and support is eternal, and everyone craves it.

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