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The little lonely life that Amelia had, was again getting interesting. Every morning, she would rise with a hope of meeting Marco, or Jack or Shawn in her day, or at least talk to any one of them. Her mind was flooding with ideas and she was loving her days now. She would sleep with a smile, and would wake with that same smile. She would bath with a smile, an she would dance to a beat unheard while dressing up. Happy?

It will be interesting... So hold on to your seats properly as the one and only Bella, lands on the grounds of New York.

Putting on her shades, as she stepped down her private jet, she headed to surprise her twin. She knew Jack was in town an Tyler wasn't and this was the best time for things to happen. 

Stepping in the lounge after a day at class in the evening, Marco noticed a figure sitting on the carpet by the fire place in dark, that only source of light.

"Bella?" He asked looking in her direction. 

"Marco," she acknowledged placing the glass of wine on the marble floor causing a tinkling sound.

 "When'd you come back?" He asked, as she hugged him tight.

"It's so good to see you," she said.

"Bella, how's dad?" He asked.

"I said it's good to see you Marco," she repeated.

Marco looked at her, not sure what to say.

"I'm happy to see you as well, Bells" he said.

"That's how you say it, see, was it that difficult now?" She said.

"How's dad?" He asked.

"He's fine, same old same old" she said going back to the fire place, picking her wine glass from the floor. 

"And the sudden visit?" He asked.

Bella stared him. She looked at him in anger listening to his question. 

"I missed you, that's all Marc," she said.

Marco tried to read her eyes, but finding nothing there, he looked to the ground. 

"Okay then, I'm tired, I'll see you in the morning" he said.

"You bet, Goodnight Marco" she said toasting her glass in air.

Marco couldn't sleep that night. No one except the family knew this, but Bella wasn't in Australia all this time. She was somewhere, away from the people, for her own benefit. The family knew about her anger issues, and when everyone saw her true side that day at the party, the family decided what would be best for her. And even though he loved her, he knew this was right for her. But the real question was, what was she doing here? And was she fine now?

He woke up to the sound of something breaking, no sure what it might be, he rushed towards Bella's room. Seeing her fallen to the ground, he rushed by her side. She didn't respond to his calling her name. Picking her up from the ground, he placed her on her bed, and waited for the doctor. Analyzing the room, he saw the window being shattered of her room. 

The doctor said she was fine, had just fainted due to some trauma. As soon as Bella opened her eyes, Marco was relieved.

"What happened back here Bells?" He asked.

"There was someone in my room" she said, holding her head with her left hand.

"What like a thief?" He asked giving her a pill and a glass of water, that the doctor prescribed her.  

"I guess, I don't remember much Marc, but I was scared" she said hugging him.

Listening to her, he placed his arms around her. After all he was his twin, and no matter what she deserved his care and affection. Getting an Ice pack for her head, which pained due to hitting the ground, he sat next to her on the bed, like older times. The times when the two of them were inseparable, and no one in the world could tear them apart. But things were different now. But right in this moment they felt the same. At least Marco did. 

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