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Stepping back in the bed room, Amelia felt like a different person all together. She felt something different, something good, but confusing. She could feel her heart beat, she could listen to it. She could feel goosebumps rise on her skin, thinking about the way she felt there, in the forest, among the orange and the yellow. So beautiful. She could see a different spark in her eyes, looking in the mirror now. Something inside her felt complete. So complete.

Shawn knew what he was doing. He could feel himself being drawn to her, from the very first click of his camera. He would look at the images he had clicked of her, each day. The one at the sunset, and the one, when she looked at the petunias. He couldn't get enough of those. Smile was a common gesture for him, so common in the past couple of days. She had changed his attitude towards love. Her innocence, selflessness, and affection had captivated him. And he knew he would never be able to get it off. That was the best part of it.

Tyler, among all the others had felt the difference in Amy. He was back, but not as Amelia or Amy. She stepped into the house as Lia. Being happy to see that, he was worried as well. Amelia isn't the kind who will be able to get over a heartbreak, he thought to himself. She is strong, very strong. But she doesn't trust anyone easily. And if Shawn will break her trust, it will break some part of her, which won't mend, ever.

The five of them, Bella, Marco, Jack, Tyler and Amelia had dinner together, after Shawn had walked her to the villa. Amelia was being told how, Marco nearly feel off the cargo net, and how Jack was scared of the monkey jumping. She listened, laughed, but all she had on her mind was the after effect of the jungle, and the drive. Tyler noticed that. The spark of her eyes, the cheer in her voice, and the seriousness of love in her heart, and the confusion in her mind.

Marco felt good sitting next to Amelia, after a long long day. He felt warmth and a sense of protection now. She was fine, he knew and he couldn't have been more satisfied. He had no idea what did she do at the coffee shop all day, but he wanted to make up for leaving her alone there, and wanted to take all of her laughter, her smile, the way she looked at him, in.

Jack and Bella were to engrossed in explaining to her all the activities, and sharing their moments of fear, that they didn't even remember to ask her how her day was. But Amelia didn't mind that. Or anything in fact. It was like she didn't feel any other emotion right now.

Amelia couldn't sleep that night, so lumping down the stairs, slowly, she sat near the fireplace in a dimly lit lounge, looking out from the window, with a hot mug of cocoa in her hand.

"Someone is up", Tyler said descending the stairs.

Amelia smiled at him. But it was different. Her smile. It was full of joy. And Tyler saw that, it made feel happy, but scared some part of him, of losing at smile, if things didn't go well. Keeping the feelings aside, he leaned on the window pane with his right shoulder, looking at the stars, and then back at Amelia.

She offered him the cocoa and he took the mug from her, sipping it.

"Shawn asked me to give you this", he said giving Amelia the book in his hand. She moved the book towards the fireplace, to read with it's light.

"When?", she asked.

"He came back after dinner, I thought you are sleeping, so I told him I give it to you in the morning. But since someone is not able to sleep, this might help", he said.

"I can't take it, he stole it from the coffee shop", she said.

"Stole?", he asked.

"Hmmm", Amelia hummed and looked at Tyler's surprised face, "What?"

"You can't steal something from your own cafe", he said.

"The cafe is his?"

"Yup, he didn't tell you that?"

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