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Amelia felt different in his arms right now, possibly due to the a little attraction towards him. She compared it to the time Marco helped him up, but that was different. She was so lost in the pain that she hadn't noticed anything. But now she felt special, and she loved the feeling. She had his neck in her sight, and she could get her eyes off the veins that were visible under the skin.

Shawn was too focused on stepping on the right stair while Amelia was in his arms, that he couldn't pay attention to her more. And he felt frustated a little thinking the same. He could feel her gaze on him, but he didn't want the two of them to all, so he kept his eyes down, focusing on his steps.

He stopped in the hallway. Amelia was still lost in her thoughts as she stared at him.

"Lia?", Shawn whispered lightly when she didn't noticed that.

Amelia looked at him directly now, embarrassed.

"Why'd we stop?", she asked in a very low tone.

"I don't know which room?", he said looking playfully in her eyes.

"Yah , right," she said embarrassed,"To your right".

"Right", He said and moved towards the door which was closed.

"Can you?", he eyed towards the door knob.

"Yes", she said, turning the knob, pushing the door for it to open. Shawn placed Amelia gently on the couch.

"Thank you", she said.

"Do you need help with anything else?", he asked.

"Nah, I'll manage now", she smiled at him. Shawn turned around and went back down to sit with Tyler.

"So?", Tyler said.

"What is it with the "so", you and Amelia?", he said remembering the last time, Amelia said him that.

"What do you mean?", he asked.

"Nothing", Shawn sighed.

"What brings you here, Casanova?", Jack said like it was normal to call him that.

"I......uhhh.... could you stop calling me that", Shawn pleaded.

"Why? Its good to be called one I guess?", he said earning a glare from Marco.

"Well............ I don't think Lia will appreciate it much", he said.

"Ohhhh", Jack hooted.

"Wait why do you call that?", Marco narrowed his eyes at him.

"Call that?", he asked.

"Lia?", Marco said.

"Lets keep that for another time", Shawn said and got off the couch to leave the villa. Before walking out of the lounge he turned towards Tyler and said, "Could you give me Lia's number?"

"Yah", Tyler said earning a death glare from Marco.

"Why don't you ask her this yourself, "Casanova" ?", He said stressing on the last word.

"Alright Brother", he said and turned towards the staircase and ran up.

"You are such an idiot", Jack said hitting Marco on his head with his fingers lightly.

"You didn't want him to have her number, so you sent him to her room", Tyler sighed.

"Real smooth Marco, real smooth", Jack said.

Marco lowered his head in his hand sitting on the couch.

Shawn entered Amelia's room after knocking twice, but there was no one in sight. He heard the shower and knew, Amelia was showering. Contemplating on the thought, of if he should stay and wait for her or leave, he noticed the sky blue capsule on the vanity table, which was open. He smiled looking at his secret message which was definitely read by Lia. A smile covered his face as he walked towards it. He picked up the perfume bottle next to the capsule and opened the lit, to smell it. So Lia, he thought to himself, relishing the fragrances of roses.

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