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"Bella, I need to go back, open the door" she said.

"Amy, why would have I locked it in the first place, if I wanted to let you go, right sweet pea?" she said with gentle eyes, and a smirk over her lips. 

Not sure what to say, Amelia looked at Bella cluelessly. 

"You know Amelia, you single handedly stole every important thing that I had."


"Don't what me love, I'm immune to you innocent eyes." Bella said walking close to her now. 

"You aren't making any sense," Amelia said.

"How will I make any sense to you Amy? You stole Marco from me when you entered high school. You had him wrapped around your little finger in a week. Tyler and Jack became closer to you and termed me as a bitch. You were the new Miss popular, and everyone love you. The status and attention I had, was now yours, and I couldn't do a thing about it Amelia. Not a thing."

Now stepping back from her face, Bella moved across the room, not moving her eyes off hers, even once. 

"You were able to even get his attention in a second, while I tried all my life to get close to him," she said.

"Don't talk about Shawn like that," Amelia warned.

"Or what?" Bella said with a soft intimidating tone, which rather sounded like a tune.

"You were the one who used him to get to his brother, Ethan Whitman, tell me if I'm wrong Bella, Oh sorry you are the Bella Hilton, playing with people's like as if a game of monopoly." Amelia said with hatred evident in her voice. 

"Wow, the girl can speak now, huh... who taught you that? Shawn? While he tried those nine moves on you in bed?" She said nastily.

"What do you think you are doing Bella? I won't think ill of him now, I know you and I know him." Amelia stated.

"That was quick," she said sarcastically.

"So you believe Shawn now, right?" She asked.

"Bella, I know that was the truth, he was drunk," Amelia said smiling at her.

"Amy, oh it is Lia right? Anyone can manipulate you, you know that, like this," she said clicking her fingers right in front of her eyes. 

Amelia not blinking her eyes even once looked at her in the eyes, "And you made sure of that, didn't you FRIEND " she said stressing on the last word. "Actually, you know what, Tyler was right about you since the beginning, he would tell me to be careful of you."

"What good did that do to you huh?" She asked, "You are here, I'm here," She said singing.

"Why do you hate me so much Bella?" She asked.

"Dude, I had to stay in a mental asylum because of you," she said.

"What do you mean?" Amelia said raising her eyes from the ground.

"Where do you think I was all this time, huh?" She asked.

Amelia looked at her clueless.

"They put me there, not even asking me once, why I did that" she said.

"What did you do?" asked Amelia.

"I shot Marco" she said calmly.

"And that is so easy for you to say, wow" she said.

"You bitch, I did it because of you. He wanted to save your little ass from me, and wanted me to step back from your life."

"So you shot him?"

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