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Amelia looked at Shawn in disbelief

"Why would anyone do that?", she said, and Shawn shrugged his shoulders while moving his head from side to side.

"Wait what I am doing here? Did we?", she said hoping he would understand the question.

"Did we what Lia?", he asked in confusion.

Amelia raised her eyebrow at his stupidity and stood their dumb folded.

Shawn realised what she met, but decided to play along.

"Well", he said as he started making his way towards her from the entrance of the room. As he moved a step closer to her, she didn't flinch.

"If you think this is some PG-13 where I'll be scared of you coming near me, you are wrong", she said as Shawn moved the last step closer to her and stood right in front of her, his taller, broader figure hovering over her.

"Well, You were quite good", he said as he raised his right eyebrow at her and smiled the bad boy smile.

She looked at him, and gave a sarcastic smile, "It took you time to think of that"

Shawn realised his little act didn't work on her and he was quite surprised as he expected to meet a scared Amelia this morning.

Amelia moved to a side, and walked past him to the door.

Shawn smiled at the feisty little thing he had met.

"Where are you going?", he asked looking at her walk out the bedroom door.

"Ding ding I need to go back"

"In that?", he asked pointing at the loosely tied bathing gown in an obvious tone.

Amelia looked down at herself and felt embarrassed to have forgotten her attire at the moment was a loosely tied bathing gown.

She looked at him next and gave him an embarrassed smile. Then it hit her, why were her clothes changed.

"Why am I in a BATHING GOWN, and who changed me?", she asked politely coming near to the Shawn in an intimidating way.

Shawn took her seriously this time an opened his mouth to answer her.

"First of all, someone tried to open a jammed water tap in the lawn, and in the process, drenched herself", listening to this Amelia opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a finger that Shawn had placed on her lips, "And second", Shawn spoke again,"The housekeeper changed your clothes, who was a female", he looked at her, removing the finger from her lips, and spoke one last time, "I made sure of that".

There was a seriousness in his tone for the first time Amelia had met him and no matter she had her trust issue, something about him made her trust this little piece of information.

She nodded her head at him and sat on the bed side trying to remember a thing.

"How bad was I?", she looked at the window in front of her as Shawn sat right to her, looking at her.

"We didn't......", Shawn tried to answer that in a dumbest way possible not really knowing what Amelia meant.

Amelia hit his head with her fingers lightly. "I meant after the whole spiked drink thing, or whatever it was".

"You didn't recognise me, then you got yourself all wet, then you got mad at me for telling you "I told you so", then you blacked out on my chest, in my arms", he said the last part like one would sing a song.

Amelia was surprised to here what he had just told her, but laughed at the way he made it seem so funny.

The two of them shared a look while laughing, and looked into each other's eyes for a moment. She found herself trailing her eyes at his lips and back to his eyes for a second.
It seemed like both of them felt something, but no one spoke anything about it.

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