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Setting the cushions in front of the couch, and turning the lights and television on, Amelia ensured the place was warm enough for the feel as well as to the eyes, for a great movie night, while Marco made popcorn and took the bottles of beer from the fridge, Shawn ordered the pizzas for the night. 

"Thanks for letting me join you" Shawn said as he entered the kitchen.

Marco looked at him and said, "Just make sure she doesn't know about it."

"Marco, why'd you do this?" Shawn asked making sure Amelia wasn't around.

"What calling you for lunch and all?" He chuckled.

He nodded.

"I don't know man, I guess you make her happy so" He said shrugging his shoulders.

Shawn smiled registering his words in his mind.

"Hey Marc, can I call you Marc?" He asked.

"Yah sure, but we aren't bonding over it" he warned.

"Will keep it in mind" Shawn said raising his hands up in submission, "But before that" he said raising a finger and rushing in his direction, engulfing him in a man hug.

"Thank you" he said as Marco stood shock at his little victory hug.

"Seriously what is going on with you two?" Amelia said as she stood on the entrance of the kitchen.

"Nothing" the two said in unison, again, stepping back from each other in an instant.

Amelia eyes them, before picking up oregano from the cabinet and moving out. 

They watched while they ate and drank and that is how the three felt complete. They couldn't care less of anyone near them right now, because they were totally in the present. Marco lay his head on Amelia's lap as she sat on the couch and he sat on the cushions below, while Amelia lay her head on Shawn's shoulder. And that is how they slept.

Before Amelia knew, it was already Wednesday. Stepping in the elevator of the publishing house, she pressed the button of the top floor. Before she knew Shawn entered the elevator, before the door would close.

"Hey, you're early" she stated.

"Yah, yah, I am" he said smiling.

They stepped out of the elevator and moved towards Amelia's office, and to her surprise Shawn was leading the way. He opened the door of her office and signaled her to get in.

"How'd you knew where my office was?" she asked stepping in.

"I...uhm have been here before" he said reminding her of the conference day.

"Still, you never came this far" she said.

"Come on Lia, you names outside" he reminded her.

And there she gave in. Mrs. Fuller entered the office with the girl which bought in coffees, and with the team of lawyers to get the papers checked.

Signing the papers the investors were officially invested in the company, finally.

"We shall celebrate," Shawn said, as the team of lawyers left her office, leaving the two of them alone there.

"Absolutely" she said.

"Lunch?" He asked.

"Can't make it, got a meeting" she said.

"Alright, dinner then?" He asked.

"Sounds good," she said.

"Great, I'll pick you," he said.

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