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Mornings never seemed so beautiful, as it seemed now to Shawn. With every new morning, came the new hope, to see Lia again. To spend time with her, to make her feel special and loved. He took out another pill from the glass bottle, and opened it to write something. This time the color of the little rolled up piece of paper was sky blue. He closed his eyes, for his soul to drive him to write the most beautiful lines, for the most beautiful girl. He felt the power of the emotion at this moment take over him completely. The only thing that came to his mind was, the way Amelia asked him about him calling her Lia.   

He smiled thinking about the way she blushed, when he hugged her, the way she shivered a little when his breath fanned her neck. He smiled, sipping the morning cup of coffee. He took out the glassy photo paper from the middle of his leather journal, and looked at the images. 

All was captured by him. 

The first time, he met her was when she was admiring the sun setting at the horizon.

The first time, he met her was when she was admiring the sun setting at the horizon

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This image will always be his favorite, he thought to himself. Keeping this image in front of him, knew what he had to write in the secret message. 

Placing the paper back in the capsule, he closed it and kept it on his table. 

Amelia woke up the next morning with a paining foot. The bleeding had stopped the previous night, but now that she looked at the white linen, it was stained with blood. The blood covered the bandage, forming dark red patches. She tried removing the bandage to get a view at the cut. But as she tried to do that, she almost screamed in pain. The bandage was stuck to her open wound. 

She looked to her side, only to find Eddy still sleeping with the innocent child face. She stepped on the white carpet careful enough not to stain it in the process, and moved out of her room. Knocking on Tyler's room, she got no response from it. But she heard his voice, from the ground floor of the villa. She moved towards the staircase, and descended the stairs one at a time. 

Tyler looked at Amelia and ran in her direction in a second. 

"Dude, what are you doing?", he asked her with concern. 

Tyler came to her side and helped her down the stairs.

"Your foot, its bleeding", Tyler said with concern, as now the floor was painted red with her blood. 

He asked Jack to get the first aid box that the housekeeper had left on the table. 

Removing the bandage, he was shocked to see the bleeding. He used the antiseptic, and when he was sure that no piece of glass remained in her foot, he tied a clean bandage around her foot, and placed it on the couch after cleaning it with a wet towel. 

Bella came with a plate of pancakes and chocolate milkshake, which she had made to apologize to Amy, as because of her anger issues she was hurt. 

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