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Thinking of the way the two were reacting, when they kissed, Tyler knew, something, some chemistry was there between the two.
But the way they reacted to each other, and the misunderstanding are making their vision blurred.

After spending the night their, they were brought down the hill the next afternoon, and each one of them, savored the shower as soon as they reached the villa.

Packing their things, as it was their last day at the resort, they stepped out for a walk on the road connecting the resort to the villages around. Going around the little, tiny shops, they greeted the villagers. That is when Amelia caught her eyes on a little thing, a thing which reminded him of someone. Not quite being able to leave it behind, she bought it, and kept it in the pocket of her coat, before anyone else could have noticed that. The others bought little souvenir for themselves and their families back in the town.

It was already 8 in the evening, and Amelia wasn't sure if she should ring the bell, as she stood with her head down in front of the villa gate. Deciding that the current vibe between the two wasn't good, she turned around and stepped off the porch.

"Where are you going?", she heard the familiar Casanova voice.

"I......uhmmm..... just"

"Quit the stutter, what?", he asked looking in her eyes.

Ohhhh damn, Amelia thought looking into his hazel's.

"Okay, I'm just gonna say it", she said.

"You are just gonna say it", he repeated.

"Yes, I'm just gonna say it"

"Say it",


"What?", he chuckled.

"Listen", she said placing her hand on top of his folded arms, "I wanted to thank you"

"Thank me?", he asked, "For what?"

"For everything, I just let me finish this time", she said, and he nodded.

"I had a great time, and I wanted to give you this. Don't open it, like right now. I .......... uhmm....... Shawn, I", she said as she looked behind him.

Bella, stepped out of the main door, as she fixed her kimono.

"I think I should leave", she said looking behind him, as Bella waved at her.

Shawn looked in the direction her eyes pointed. He looked behind him to see Bella as she stood straight, and when he turned to look back at Amelia, she was already closing the gate, stepping outside it.

Not sure of what happened to her, he decided to meet her later at night.

He stepped back inside the villa looking at Bella.

"So shall we finish the deal now?", he asked her.

"Of course, the resort is yours, Just talk to my ad about the papers", she said smiling at him.

"You said he wanted to sell it, I thought you will be having the papers", he said in confusion.

"I just had a preposition baby, rest is up to him", she said raising her eyebrows and smirking, before stepping out of the door and leaving.

Shawn rolled his eyes at her, as she walked out of the gate.

"Real time waster, Bella", she whispered.

Placing her head on her palms, as she sat on the bed folding her legs, bending down, she thought how stupid she was to think Shawn deserved an opportunity to explain himself. She couldn't believe him, on banging the friend of the girl he acted all sweet in front of.

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