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Amelia, getting up from the ground, decided to go back, when she had had enough.
"Hey", Nick said, "you can't miss the best part", he said looking back at the sunset, as he got off his spot next.
"I really wish to go back", she said.
"It will last just a few more seconds", he said.
"My friends, they'll be waiting for me", she said.
"Sure?", he asked and she nodded.

"I think this is too much", Shawn said removing his shoulder from underneath Bella's head.
He stood up from his spot, and looked around.
Bella was quick on her foot, as she stood right next to him.
"You know, people say friends turn into the best of lovers", she said.
"Yah right", Shawn smiled sarcastically at her, more of annoyed from her.
"You don't believe me", she stated.
Placing her hands on his shoulders, she moved him to turn around, "You see that, that is called true love", she stated, as she looked at a distance.
Looking in the same direction, Shawn saw, Amelia and Nick, as the two were standing close to each other, talking. Remembering the kiss they shared, he turned his gaze from them, shrugged Bella's hand from his shoulders. And left.

Coming back, she sat on the wood log, next to Tyler. He handed a stick with marsh- mellow to her. Placing it on the fire, she tried to take her mind off. But nothing seemed to distract her.
"These are delicious", Marco said as he ate one.
"Let me get that for you", Marco said.
"It's fine, really", This was Amelia.
"Do you mind if I join you?", Nick said.
"Don't you have anything else to do?", Tyler said.
"What?", Nick asked.
"You should be.............", he said getting up looking at Nick now.
"Ty?", Amelia said as she stood between the two.
"Amy, don't defend him", he said.
"What is this about?", she asked.
"Ask him", Tyler said snorting, "he was the one kissing you last night", he said.
"What?", Amelia asked.
"Dude, calm down, she was into it", he said.
Amelia looked at him, as she tried to remember.
"Yah she was so into it, while she was unconscious", Tyler aborted again.
Jack got off his seat now, while Marco stood with Tyler.
"Guys calm down, everyone's looking", Jack said trying to calm the three of them.
"You should leave", Marco said, looking around.
Nick turned back on his foot, after looking around and went inside his tent.
"I was unconscious, why don't I remember anything, wait a minute, I kissed him?", Amelia asked.
"She kissed him?", Marco asked.
"What? Kiss? Seriously Amy? Him?", Jack said.
The three of them looked at Tyler, wanting him to answer.
"Ahh, shut up each one of you", he said.
"Ty, answers", Amelia demanded. 
"Fine, yes you kissed him, but you actually didn't because you were drunk, like spiked drunk", he said.
"Who spiked her drink?", Jack asked.
"As if I know", Tyler said.
Marco who was listening to them talk, looked at Amelia now.
"Shit, I kissed him", Amelia said, as realisation struck her.
"You didn't, it looked like you did, but you were not yourself, besides you were unconscious for God's sake", he said.
Bella came from a distance as she sat right next to them.
"What's going on?", she asked.
"Nothing", Tyler was quick to answer. He eyes Jack to say quiet in front of her.
Marco was lost in his thoughts to notice his own twin had arrived.
"Amy, we will be sleeping in the same tent, exciting right?", she said.
"Very", she said still keeping her eyes to the ground.

She avoided seeing Nick or Shawn after that till dinner. Keeping her eyes glued to the ground, she didn't dare look up to avoid any eye contact with Shawn.

Before they would go inside their tents, the staff called ever camper to gather near the bonfire, and as they did, they were asked to sit down on the wooden logs, again.
"It is time for some truth and dare now", the guy said, spinning that bottle, on the wooden log next to the bonfire.

The top end of the bottle stopped at Jack. He answered truth, and the guy has to tell about his most embarrassing moment in life. The poor soul couldn't ever lie, as his friends wouldn't have let him do that.

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