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All of it was happening in an instant. And she knew none of it was good, because none of it felt good.
She tired to free herself from the son of a bitch, who held her like that. Turning around to see who that person was, Amelia was surprised to meet a familiar face.
The light fell on one side of the face, but she could easy recognize the person standing in front of her.
"Like what you see?", Nick said.
"Are you crazy?", she lashed out.
"Hey, babe it's me", he said.
"Babe?",  abhorrently she said.
"Ohhhh come on, you think I don't know?", he said.
Amelia looked at him folding her arms on her chest, moving a step back from him.
Nick stopped in his track, placing his hands in the pockets of the jeans, he looked at her.
"You don't need to pretend, I know everything", he said.
Not wanting to listening to his terroriser anymore, she gave him one last detested look, and moved past him keeping her eyes to the door next.
Nick wanted to stop her, and to do so he placed a hand on her shoulder, but before it could be placed there properly, Amelia, shrugged it after looking at him in shook.
"Don't ever do that again", she said looking at him in the eyes, giving him a warning.
She moved out of the room, closing the door behind her leaving him in complete darkness.
Nick couldn't take his eyes off her slim thick body, and a smile plastered his face, as Amelia left the room. He expected her to be sweet, but feisty wasn't bad as well. He shook his head and smiled remembering the moment he held her in his arms. Her soft, warm figure, engulfed in his stronger, wider one.

Walking to the end of the hallway, Amelia felt a certain pain, like that of a needle in the cut of her foot. She stopped and leaned on the wall, trying to relax her foot. To take her mind off it, she looked up, and around in the hallway.
As she looked diagonally, in front of her, was the conference room. She could stop a figure, through the little glass design work on the wooden door.
Not bothered about the pain anymore, she firmed her foot on the floor, and stepped towards the door. She regretted looking inside, at the very first instant, but what she had seen couldn't be undone.
With tears forming in her eyes, she took one last look, before turning around and rushing back up on the reception.
"Good evening ma'am", the receptionist say.
She nodded, but to hide her emotional state at the moment from others, she kept her head to the ground, as she fastened her steps to the door.
She couldn't take the pain now, not of the foot, but the one she felt, there. There, somewhere, where the heart is.
Feelings they say.
Love they say.
Heart they say.
Pain they say.
The one that suffocates you.
The one that makes you gasp for air.
The one which make you cry.
The one that feels like a burden, there.

There, where the heart is.

That one.

That is how she felt walking to her room now.
Entering the villa, she ascended the stairs, and hopped on the bed, taking a pillow to suppress her cry.
She laid there, on her stomach, and cried.
Why did she look through the glass?
Why was he there?

"Hey", Marco said as he opened the door to her room, looking around, seeing Amelia, crying, he continued, " what happened to you?", he said as he sat down next to her lying down figure.

"Amy, what's the matter?", he asked again, when she refused to raise her head from the pillow. He could hear her muffled cry, and he felt a pain raise inside him because of that.
Placing a hand on her head, he slowing moved it, to calm her down.
He felt the touch of her soft, light brown silky hair, as he paced his hand.

After what felt like hours, thought it was 10 minutes on the clock, Amelia raised her head.
She had stopped crying, but her nose was red. And so were her eyes.

"You look like a tomato", Marco said pulling her cheeks.
Amelia goggled, rubbing the tears off her cheeks, with the sleeve of her angora sweater.
As she did that, she realised it didn't felt good, the feeling of angora wool rubbing the wet skin.
Yes, it is irritating, like keeping it between the teeth. Irritating.
That is what the two felt looking at the sweater.
And they laughed.
"Finally", Marco said taking a breath of relief.
Amelia looked at him as she smiled.

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