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Moving out of her office, Amelia  heard her phone ding. It was a reminder, holding her breath she remembered that tomorrow was a big day. Meeting with a potential investor. The idea of the meeting didn't scare her, but the possibility of them denying did. Her mother had been up in the game, since forever, and now when all the eyes were on Amelia, she didn't want to let anyone down. Reaching home, she prepared the presentations, and documents for the following day, and took out the dry cleaned two piece white suit, with a deep neck blank blouse, that fitted her perfectly. Packing her handbag with all the necessary things for the meeting, Amelia kept her laptop in the bag as well. Not wanting to lose the business spirit, she didn't write tonight. Though the thought of what was up with Tasha, crossed her mind several times, but she just slept on it, not writing a word.

Placing the mineral water bottles on the round conference table in front of each seat, Mrs. Fuller waited for Amelia to arrive. Holding the folder in her hand she exited the elevator.

"Here, give it to me darling," said Mrs. Fuller taking the folder from her hand as she came at an arm's length.

"Can you please keep it on my desk? And connect this to the system" She requested as she rushed to her office, handing Mrs. Fuller her laptop.

Closing the frosted glass door behind her, Amelia knew who could treat her anxiety. The one, who had been dealing with it before every examination that she gave, her mother.

As the call rang, she knew what her mother would say, but listening to it one more time from her voice would calm Amelia down, and she knew that too well.

"Hello, mother" she said blinking her eyes, and removing the strand of hair on her face, and placing it behind the ear.

"Hey sweety"

"I...uhm ..."

"What is it?"

"The meeting, I'll do good right?"

"Of course my love, you will do the best" she said giggling.

"Why'd you laugh?"

"Just... uhm... you are your father's daughter, always anxious" she said.

"Right, so I'll call you after the meeting"

"All the best, Amy" she said.

Keeping the hand which held her phone, she placed it on her heart, calming herself one more time, she brought herself together, being the confident one. Turning around, she walked towards the conference room. She knew the investors had to be sealed in, and there wasn't any way out. The people crossing her couldn't see her nervousness, because that is definitely what she wanted. Confidence. Fake it in your most anxious moments, and you will gain it, in that very moment.

She took the last few steps towards the glass walled conference room, only to be confused by the figure who stood inside. She could see the people already seated around the round conference table, only her seat was left empty, by now. But that one particular figure, was unbelievably recognisable. Not focusing on where she was, everyone heard a loud bang at the glass door, which was unbelievably clean, only for this day. And there lay poor Amelia holding her head from her right hand, bending to the ground.

"Amelia," called out Mrs. Fuller as she rushed towards her.

"I'm fine" she announced avoiding the created scene, her hand still on her forehead. Rubbing the spot, she looked back inside the conference room, only to see each and every person inside, turned around to look at her. Embarrassed she looked back at Mrs. Fuller only to realise who she had just seen. Widening her eyeball, she looked back inside the conference room, to see the two too familiar hazel eyes rooted at her. As her eyes went down to the lips, it held an emotion of concern, with a low pressed smile.

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