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Amelia sat on the couch of her apartment thinking about every moment of the day with every sip she took from the hot mug in her hands. The freshly brewed coffee, with a little milk and sugar, helped her release her stress. What an eventful day had it been. The meeting she had been preparing for a week now, hitting the glass door, becoming a laughing material for the day, entertaining the lovely people, and guests, and above all meeting him again.
No matter how much she would like to deny it, small little things in her day would remind her of him, everyday since she had come back.
From the bonfire, to the fire which ignited within her when she kissed him, no feeling felt external. All of it had stayed with her, even on the days she didn't think of him.
It was already 8 and with no mood of making the dinner Amelia moved out of her apartment building, to go to the shop that was two blocks away, which served great taco's.

Parking the car in the lot, she moved inside Taco Bell's, and placed her order.
Having finished her extra saucy, extra spicy taco, she ordered an Ice cream, and moved out of the shop on to the street, with the extra taco's, she had asked them to pack.
As she took a spoon from her ice cream, she walked towards the homeless people on the streets. Handing them the packs, satisfied to give it to them, when they were hot, she moved across the street to go to the park. Standing on the little bridge above the park lake, she savored every bite of her chocolate ice cream with chocolate covered strawberries on top.
She had engaged such great investors in the publishing house, she deserved a treat.

Stepping inside the centrally heated building of her apartment, Amelia fetched the keys from her pocket, placing the car keys in place of them. But before she would place the key in the keyhole, she remember something. Stopping of a moment, she looked up to shrug off the feeling, and opened to door, only to find anxiety rise in her. The curiosity that she had never let rise in her, was on level ten at this moment, and not being able to fight it anymore, she moved towards the walk in closet.
There, in between the perfume bottles, was placed a little pouch, glittery pink in colour, which read, Unicorn.
It was something she had kept with herself since she was ten, keeping all the thing, that mattered to her, and she didn't wish to loss, inside it.
There was the little souvenir she had found after a month she had unpacked, back from the trip. She hadn't had the gut to open it then, neither did she wanted to now, but as it is said, curiosity killed the cat, she couldn't hold herself back.
Removing the brown, cover paper from the handful big gift, she couldn't believe her eyes.
In her freshly manicured peach nail painted hands, lay a glass bottle, with a wooden cock, filled with little capsule, of different colours.
How could she not imagine this?
All this time, these were what she was running away from?
She looked at it, unbelievably as she kept the pouch on the vanity table, along with the paper, moving out of the closet, sitting on the side of her bed, crossing her left leg on the soft matters.
Contemplating on whether she wanted to read one, or not, she kept the bottle in front of her, and watched it dip a little on the soft quilt.

Opening up one capsule she read what it said.

You and me, makes  us.

Overwhelmed, she engulfed the message with the capsule in her hand as she rest her back on the back of the bed, thinking, relishing, every little moment she had kept somewhere locked in her mind, only till this day, this moment.

Everything came to her mind, from the first click, to the wine in the cabin, to the day she saw them kiss, in the dimly lit  conference room.
Remembering that, she quickly rolled the piece of paper, which she read with so much admiration a few minutes ago, and placed it inside the capsule, closing the drawer after placing the glass bottle in the bedside.

What was she thinking?
Well she didn't know that, how can we?
I told you, love is confusing, very confusing.
But is she in love, or is it guilt and anger that she possesses for a friend she made on a trip.....

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