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Amelia was met with the same hazel eyes, the ones which were behind the camera each time.

"Oh the boyfriend steps in", Nick said, standing up from his chair, staring at Shawn.

Amelia sat in between the two tall figure now, looking at them turn by turn as each spoke.

"You should leave", Shawn said staring back at him. Neither of the two were ready to give in.

"Poor little rich brat, huh?", he said before bringing his mouth next to his ear, "Careful, I might steal your woman", Nick whispered in Shawn's ear, then came back to look into his eyes, with a smirk plastered to his face.

"Guys?", Amelia looked at both of them, oblivious of what was going on.

The two of them looked at her. Thinking that the time wasn't right, Nick took Amelia's hand in his, and said, "It was nice meeting you", with a smile and turned around to walk out of the door of the coffee shop after looking at Shawn one last time.

"Shawn?", Amelia called out to him, as he still had his eyes glued to Nick, as he left in his car.

"Hmmm", he hummed looking back at her.

"Wanna sit?", she asked.

He sat on the chair opposite to her, where Nick was sitting a few minutes ago. He wasn't smiling like he always did, rather he had a serious look on his face as he looked at Amelia now.

Amelia raised her eyebrow as she didn't understood his expressions.

"Are you that naive?", he asked her, in a very calm tone. A tone which suggest hell breaking loose on you in a few seconds.

"Huh?", Amelia looked at him as he spit those words out.

"You had no idea who that guy was, and you were so naive to let him sit with you?", he said maintaining his calm.

"And were are we going with this?", she asked furious of his words now.

"You know that", he said looking straight into her chocolate brown eyes. "That guy is bad news", he said.

"Ahhhh, You know him?", she asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, but I know how guys are", he said.

"I should stay away from you then, you are one", she said with an expression which said'bring it on'.

Shawn was left speechless to that. He looked at Amelia and contemplated if he should carry on with this.

"You shouldn't have talked to him", he said.

"And you think you can tell me that", she said.

"Tell you what?", he asked.

"Who I can talk to and who not?"

"I didn't mean that", he defended himself.

"It's just should be that welcome to people around you", he said.

Amelia refused to argue any further. Shawn looked at her with the ever calm that he had.

"Listen, I get it, you are independent, free to make your own choices but I was just warning you of people's real intentions", he said.

Amelia let go off the anger he had and looked at him.

She took a deep breath and looked at him.

"What shall I get you?", he asked, "Because this is cold", he pointed at the cup of coffee Amelia was having before.

"A hot cup of mocha", she smiled giving up on his cuteness.

"Right your way ma'am", he said as he was quick on his foot towards the counter. Amelia looked back at the book which lay open on the table, she sighed looking at it, and thought of reading it, while Shawn brought the order.

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