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domestic violence and slut shaming.

The scared male now left the bathroom and thought of his husband,the person he was the most afraid of.

"Oh Jiminie you're back"

This made the younger flinch.Yoongi's voice always haunted him.No ghost's voice can scare him as much as Yoongi's voice did.

He got prepared for what was to come next.

"Did you talk to Jungkook today?" The older asked.

"N-no he didn't come t-today"Jimin stuttered, because he was so scared.He was indeed,in an abusive relationship.Yoongi would always beat him up horribly when Jimin did the slightest thing wrong or did something against Yoongi's commands.

Yoongi was a total psychopath.He would say the meanest things to him or even beat him up badly for the slightest reasons.

Jimin was beyond scared.He just looked down to the ground, thinking of what to say.

"Um...if he w-would have come today, I-I would've definitely talked to hi-"


Jimin felt a burning pain on his cheeks.Yoongi just slapped him.It was nothing new for him.But still it would break him apart.

Yoongi then pulled out his leather belt and...


"H-hyung please NO!" Jimin screamed,but it was of no use.Yoongi won't stop until Jimin was bleeding and out of breath.

Jimin hated this word.

"Why.didn't.he.come!" Yoongi said in between between more slashes and screams.

"I think you were not good enough for him to come back!"

Jimin cried and cried.His body was turning red and his mouth was also bleeding.


Yoongi finally stopped,not because of Jimin's protests,but because he himself ran out of breath.

"Tomorrow you'll talk to him or else"Yoongi warned holding the belt in the air to threaten the vulnerable one.

"Yes, I promise" Jimin said,he was exhausted,his whole body was aching terribly and he couldn't even move.

"Now fucking get up little slut!"

Everytime, anyone who said that word,made Jimin feel like he was stabbed right in the chest.

He was done with his life,he wanted to run away but he couldn't.Yoongi would find him no matter where he hides.He started thinking of the sweet high school days when Yoongi was so caring and loving.

"Babyyyy I love you and I will forever"

"You're only mine"

"We'll live together and I'll treat you like a king"

"Jiminieeee I got you your favourite chocolates!"

"Babe","Honey","love","king"  Were the things he used to call him back in time.But now,all of the sweet words changed to...

"Slut","whore","sex doll","legs spreader". Yoongi had no right to tell him those names because he was the one to force Jimin do the job he hated.
He made him a Slut.

All these thoughts made Jimin even sadder.

'He has changed so much' Jimin thought as more tears rolled down his bruised cheeks.

Yoongi was the one who forced Jimin to be a stripper because he had a really sexy body which made everyone crazy and that would really help them financially.

Jimin absolutely hated his job.He hated to expose his body to random strangers.He hated those sexual jokes people made on him.He hated the place where the strip club was located.There were such dirty people over there who always tried to grab him or even throw him inside their car.It got so bad that he literally had to run his way home.

He wanted someone who would love him,not just his body.He wanted someone to talk to about his problems.Someone who would support him and get him out of this hell.Someone who would love him and care for him.

Little did he know that he was going to find that 'Someone' soon...

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