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A week passed.

Taehyung longed to see Jungkook more and more with each passing day.

All this time that Jungkook was spending on the streets, Taehyung kept thinking that he is with Jimin.But after seeing Jungkook apologize so much and beg for a second chance, Taehyung didn't think that he wants to be with Jimin anymore.

He missed Jungkook so much.

Hoseok visited him daily now.He would bring food which Taehyung gently refused.He didn't eat much.He just survived on fruits and drinks.

He gagged whenever he looked at actual food.He totally lost his appetite these days.He just didn't feel like eating much.He barely ate.Only after Hoseok's protests.

He started to enjoy Hoseok's company.But the emptiness in his heart was too much to handle.He felt so empty without Jungkook.

He also didn't feel like living in this apartment anymore.The loneliness he felt was too much.Even if Hoseok was there with him almost everytime,he felt the emptiness eating him alive.

He wanted to live somewhere else,away from this house.Away from all the memories and pictures they had together in the apartment.He thought about living in a hotel.

He didn't tell Hoseok about his thought of moving out, because it was pointless living in a hotel when you have a home.

A home without the actual home in it.

He still had their engagement ring with him.He didn't wear it at all after that day.He just kept it in a drawer.Away from his sight.

He only went to his shop twice or once a week.He totally lost the motivation to paint.He didn't feel like doing anything.

He looked at the unfinished painting of Jungkook he was preparing for his birthday.He stopped painting it and placed it in the closet.

He was never going to touch that painting again.

He sighed and sat on the bed.

His mind consumed with negative thoughts.


Jungkook,here on the streets,was facing the toughest phase of his life.He got fired from his job because he was inattentive.All the employees complained that he didn't pay attention to them and he wasn't working properly which was not good for the company.So they had to fire him.

He was left with nothing.

For seven whole days,he kept waiting for the response he felt like he was never going to receive from Taehyung.

Taehyung wanted to forgive him.But not just yet.He still wasn't ready to face Jungkook.So he waited.

He shouldn't have,waited.

If you looked at Jungkook at this time,you would start crying because of how bad he looked.

Clothes covered in mud because of sleeping in dirty alleyways,hair a mess,eyes puffy from crying everyday,he looked extremely skinny,his hands were also having cuts on them because he accidentally cut himself with a shutter of a shop.

He didn't eat anything at all.He was painfully hungry.He was surviving because of the water fountain at the park.

He didn't use his phone at all because if he did,the battery would die and he won't be able to receive Taehyung's call.If he will ever call him.

He was only one call away from rushing home and telling Taehyung that he will fix everything.

His stomach rumbled.He just waited and waited everyday for the call.If Taehyung called him,forgiving him and finally letting him in.He will want nothing else in life.

But Taehyung shouldn't wait any longer because Jungkook's condition was getting worse.

Taehyung was unaware of it all.


Two more days passed.Still no response from Taehyung.Jungkook thought he couldn't make it anymore.He was in extreme pain in his stomach, hands and heart.

He thought that Taehyung won't forgive him,ever in his life for what he did.So,he lost all his hope he had for Taehyung, forgiving him.

'I can't do this anymore'

'He won't forgive me'

'I'm a fool to keep on waiting for a call I will never get'

'It's been so many days and he haven't said anything.....'

'Nothing's going to change'

'He won't call me'.

'I should......'

'End it all'.

What do you think Jungkook will do??

Thank you for supporting and loving this book💗

(This chap will actually have a part 2)

Also,idk what's happening.Sometimes I feel like this book is not good enough,boring and lame.Sometimes I think that it's good and I did a great job!


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