Her Secret is Revealed

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Inside the chamber of the Crown Princess Lei Nian Zhen

As Lei Nian Zhen's sipping her tea, Lady Min, her personal maid, returned to her chamber with a terrible news.

"That foolish maid and his unattractive Concubine are grating on my nerves!"

"M-milady, L-lady Min, I have some terrible news for you as well."

"And what kind of news is that, Lady Min?" Lei Nian Zhen asked with her voice annoyed.

"Y-your Lady Min overheard one of the palace maids say that Z-zhu Mio Shin, the Crown Prince, had a younger twin"

"A younger twin?! A boy or a girl?! How come I didn't know?"

"L-l-lady Min thinks he's a boy Milady, because the Crown Prince's Strategist is his younger twin"

"*smirk* Now I know what to do, Lady Min, let's go!"

"*gasp!* Milady, where are we going?"

"I'd like to meet his younger twin, since I'm sure he'll be able to help me gain the attention and favor of his older twin, Mio Shin *smirk*, and his younger twin will be my bridge to win over Concubine Mu Zhongwei"

"I-i-i got it, Milady"

"Then what are you waiting for?! Let's go"

"Y-yes Milady"

Inside the chamber of Princess Meihua

"I have awful news for you, M-milady."

"Wan Ming, what exactly do you mean?"

"M-milady, Crown Princess Lei Nian Zhen was already aware that the Crown Prince has a younger twin."

Princess Zhu Meihua exclaimed, "What?! S-since when?"

"J-just earlier Milady, Wan Ming observed them coming towards the Crown Prince's barracks and overheard them discussing about you as his younger twin, but they mistook you for a boy because you're the Crown Prince's Strategist."

"I see, I believe they're trying to use me to catch my brother's attention and win over Mu Zhongwei. Huh! As if she can win over her *smirk*."

"Wh-why does Wan Ming believe Princess Meihua knew Concubine Mu Zhongwei's true identity?"

"*smirk* You'll know it soon, Wan Ming, just go with the flow for now. Besides, I think my brother has already fallen in love with Mu Zhongwei, not just because she looks like her first love, Lei Xharmynt, but because he loves her for who she is and what she is *smiles*."

"Err... M-milady, what exactly do you mean?"

"Aiyaah! Wan Ming, you're so silly!"

"F-forgive this personal maid of yours for b-being silly all the time Your Highness, W-wan Ming knows she doesn't deserve to serve the princess of Zhu, but because of her two eunuchs twins w-who serve the Crown Prince, the Princess accept her as her maid as well i-in order to not vanish her inside the Palace, t-thank you for those times Your Highness Meihua."

"Eh? Eh? What are you doing, Aiyaah! *sigh* Okay, okay.. my fault, I got it.. I got it forgive your Master for not being careful with her words this time.. I love you for who you are Wan Ming, and I didn't accept you as my personal maid just because your twins became a special two eunuchs of the Crown Prince, but I chose you because you deserve to stay here, you deserve not to be vanished here okay?"

"*sniff* *sniff* Thank you Y-your Highness Meihua th-thank you for every---thing *blackout*"

"Wan Ming! Help! Help!" Princess Meihua snatched her up immediately when she passed out with blood streaming down her nose.

Lei Xharmynt: The Concubine's Daughter ~BOOK 1~ *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now