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"Have you seen Oikawa?!"

From across the room, everyone could hear his voice, shouting for Oikawa's name continuously as if he had lost his son. 

The pair just sighed and shake their heads making Iwaizumi scowls and ran, leaving his third year friends in the cafeteria wondering.


"Trashykawa where are you?!"

He stops, trying to catch his breath while looking around for a certain brunette.

He sighed, disappointed at himself for not noticing it sooner.

"Please... just tell me where you are Tooru.."

He plops down on the street, causing a few students to look at him with worry. Then, all of a sudden he remembered, the rooftop.

Oikawa's very favourite place in the school except the court itself.

Quickly, he got up and started running again towards the rooftop. Hoping for his dear life that Oikawa will be there and he's right.

Just as he opened the door, he can see him.

Oikawa standing behind the fence, with his face looking up at the sky. He looked so peaceful which making Iwaizumi unconsciously smiling at the sight.

Realising his purpose, Iwaizumi smack his friend's head and glaring at him.

"Ow, Iwa-chan.. That hurts."

Oikawa rubbed his head in surprised while looking at still glaring Iwaizumi beside him.

"What was that for? And what are you doing here?"

"That's for keeping a secret from me!"

Those words made Oikawa even more confused. A secret? Does he even have one?

Looking at Oikawa's reaction, he frowned and smacks his friend for the second time for being a dumbass.

"Shittykawa, you are an idiot!"

"Huh what?!"

"I said you are an idiot!"

"What does that have to do with a secret?!"

Iwaizumi sighed then slowly walking back just to sit on the floor with his hand patting beside him, asking for Oikawa to sit.

"Why don't you tell me that you're not okay?"

His voice were low yet it shows a lot of concerned in it, making Oikawa looked down guiltily, trying not to make any eye contact with his friend.

"I- I don't know... I can't just say that i'm sad because i can't play.."

He sighed once more before making his hand to Oikawa's chin, slowly pulling it to look at him.

"You can Shittykawa. You can tell me everything. But this is not just about volleyball, your grades are dropping too.."

He could see it, the despair in his friend's eyes. The looked of pure frustration, sadness and anger. Oh how he hate to see it on his beautiful eyes.

"I- I don't know Hajime.. I don't see why i have to try if in the end i will still be the one who lose.."

"No! You will not lose! Not anymore!"

This makes Oikawa's eyes widened in surprised, looking at Iwaizumi in disbelief as if he's insane.

"I trust you. You'll get better. Just please.. please don't give up your dreams Tooru.."

"Then what am I supposed to do?! What else should i do?! I- I can't do anything.. Don't you get it?"

With that Iwaizumi punched Oikawa in the face even if Oikawa's crying at the moment. He was so frustrated that his best friend was like this. Never in his life he had seen Oikawa giving up.

All this time Oikawa keep on climbing every ladder, taking every steps he could get just to reached his dreams. Even if he said that he'll be fine, he's lying. He's lying to himself and Iwaizumi knew.

"Damn it Tooru! Just get yourself together! It's not the end of the world yet. We'll find a way for you to play volleyball again. I'll help you.. i'll help you with everything.. just please don't give up yet."


134 days, 6 hours and 13 minutes..

"I'll keep waiting for you Tooru. No matter how long it takes for you to come back. I'll be waiting."

He sighed, laying his head on Oikawa's bed side. His right hand still attached to Oikawa's with his eyes all red and puffy from crying a while ago.

"Please don't give up.."

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