s e v e n t e e n

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He was now in front of Iwaizumi's dorm room. He wasn't in the mood to call his boyfriend so he just came without telling him before.

He knocked a few times but still there was no answers.

Oikawa sighed, slowly he slides down to the floor with his back against the door. He sit with his chin on his knee, hugging himself while trying to stop himself from crying even more.


The voice had made Oikawa gasp, he quickly looked up and saw Iwaizumi alone. Perhaps he just arrived from his class..

"What are you doing here? Wait- why are you crying?"

Oikawa got up abruptly, looking at his boyfriend in disbelief. He wipes his tears away while still staring at Iwaizumi.

Iwaizumi quickly hugged Oikawa, he knew what's going on. He knew why Oikawa is crying and he knew that Oikawa knew about it.

"We'll talk inside okay?"

With that Iwaizumi opened the door to his room and pull Oikawa in. They are now sitting on Iwaizumi's bed.

Oikawa was sitting at the edge, looking down and waiting for his boyfriend explanations.

"That night... i received a phone call.. from a girl.."

"That same girl in high school?"

"Yea.. it was her. We only talked recently, she just enrolled in my university and i was helping her to get used to it.."

"Why? Why are you the one who's helping her?"

"I was asked to. That night she called me saying that she saw me and she wanted to meet me because she wanted to give me something.."

Oikawa then looked up at Iwaizumi, his eyes are red, the tears wasn't there anymore but only with tears-stained cheeks. He doesn't have any strength to keep on crying.

"I met her outside of the karaoke bar. It was blurry but all i know i was kissing her- no. She was the one who kissed me and I don't know what came over me but i- i kissed her back-"

"Why? Why do you do that?"

Oikawa is now standing up. He couldn't take this anymore. He just wanted to leave the place. It was so painful and he was heartbroken.

"Tooru wait- i'm sorry, i was drunk please.. it was just in that moment- i promise i would never do that again-"

"No. I am tired Hajime. I kept on waiting for you to call me or text me but no you didn't. Not even once you visited me or care to try and explain it to me."

"I am trying.. i was so busy-"

"Enough with that bullshits! I don't want to hear it anymore. Just give me some time please."

With that Oikawa had left the dorm, he was running to the gate. He just want Iwaizumi to get out of his sight immediately.

"Tooru! Wait!"

"Tooru please listen to me!"

"I swear I didn't mean it and i love you!"

"Please Tooru-"

Oikawa was now crossing the streets. He kept on running without looking at his side. He was a crying mess and he just wants to bury himself in his blanket.

All of a sudden there was a bright light, coming from the side. Oikawa had stopped in his track, looking at it. He was now standing in the middle of the road.

There was a huge truck coming towards him and before Iwaizumi got the chance to do anything, Oikawa got hit by it. Sending him flying across the street, bathing in his own pool of blood.

"No! Tooru!"

Iwaizumi quickly walked to Oikawa, he was so shocked that he couldn't react properly. He was now kneeling beside his lover who was no longer conscious.

"Tooru no- wake up.. please wake up.."

"I'm sorry please wake up.."

"Someone call an ambulance! Call the fucking ambulance!"

He screamed in desperate, gaining a lot people's attention and thank god some of them helped.

"I am so sorry Shittykawa.. please just wake up.."

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