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Ah it's the same girl. She keeps on bothering Iwaizumi and Oikawa saw that. He saw how uncomfortable his friend is, with the girl kept on pestering him all day.

She is nice and that was no doubt but it's annoying. As annoying as Oikawa's fans is, they still have never touched him all over. Yet the girl have the nerves to hold and caressing Iwaizumi's hands.


Oikawa couldn't take it anymore, it's been weeks that he tried to calm himself down by saying that she would probably doesn't mean it like that.

But now when he saw the girl touched the lov- his friend, he have to do something about it.

"Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for 10 minutes!"

He glares at the dumbfounded Iwaizumi.

"What the fuck?"

Of course he doesn't mean it in a way that would hurt Oikawa, he was just confused.

"You forgot didn't you? It's Kindaichi's birthday you dumbass!"

"Oh god yes, so that was what i forgot about."

"Then what are you waiting for?! We have to go!"

With that Oikawa quickly turned back, grabbing Iwaizumi's wrist and trying to drag him away from the girl but soon stopped when Iwaizumi didn't move.

"Uh- uhm can i join?"

The girl asked innocently, tugging at Iwaizumi's sleeves.

Oh hell no she ain't joining-

"Yea sure, why not?"

This has made Oikawa entirely frowned, clearly hated the idea of her joining his teammates hanging out. Quickly, Oikawa let go of his friend's wrist and making his way to the school gate a bit faster than usual.

Iwaizumi didn't know why but the moment Oikawa let go of his hand, he felt empty. He sighed then turn to look at the girl and smiles.

They walked side by side with Oikawa in the front, cursing some words that isn't appropriate to be heard by children.

"What the hell is she doing here?"

Matsukawa harshly whisper at Oikawa as soon as they arrived at the planned cafe.

"How should i know? Ask that dumbass"

Oikawa frowned and then pointed at Iwaizumi who's laughing and talking with the girl.

Indeed she is cute but no, that's only make Oikawa's hatred growing even more. For the whole celebrations, Iwaizumi tried to talk with Oikawa but he only left with



"I don't know"

"If you want to"

"Can you just shut up?"

"I'm not in the mood"

Iwaizumi tried his hard to stay calm and not punch Oikawa right then and there. He was trying not to ruin Kindaichi's birthday party so he settles with Kyoutani instead.

The girl has long left since she said she have something to do with. Although that makes Oikawa happy, he is still not satisfied with Iwaizumi allowing a girl joining them.

Why the hell Iwaizumi let her when he is not comfortable himself? Or have i mistaken it? Ah fuck it, i don't care.

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