t h i r t e e n

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"Hey hey hey!"

There comes an owl- oh wait there's two.

"Bokuto-san, please don't shout. This is hospital."

"Oh? Sorry Akaashi."

Bokuto then quickly hug Iwaizumi who was smiling at them both as soon as Iwaizumi opened the door, he had gladly agreed for them both to come and visit Oikawa.

"Here we brought you some gift."

Akaashi said, handing Iwaizumi a few paper bags that's filled with probably fruits and foods while smiling at him softly.

"Thank you for coming and it's really no need for you to bring stuffs"

Iwaizumi smiles and offered them to sit on the couch instead with him followed suit.

"I'm sorry for not coming earlier Iwaizumi.. I just knew from Akaashi and then I quickly came here"

Bokuto said sheepishly while looking around then stops at Oikawa.

Akaashi noticed it and then turn to look at the same way. He glanced at Iwaizumi and he saw how strong Iwaizumi's trying to be and he did it. He is strong.

"Don't worry, he'll wake up soon. We'll pray for him"

"Yeah! We will, please stay happy Iwa! Don't be sad okay? You have to be strong for Oikawa"

Iwaizumi smiles weakly at both of them, he was really grateful that he have incredible friends and that they were all sweethearts.

"Is this the room Kenma?"


"Really? How can you know?"

"The numbers were clearly written there Kuroo, besides i can hear Bokuto's voice too"

"Eh? Bokuto? He's here?"


With that Iwaizumi quickly got up and open the door for them. He smiles at them, welcoming them both to enter.


Kuroo quickly wrapped his arm around Iwaizumi while Kenma just smiles at him, making his way towards Akaashi and Bokuto.

"How is he?"

Kuroo asked while slowly walking towards Oikawa. He sighed softly, looking at Oikawa then turn to look at Iwaizumi.

"He's been the same, as usual"

Bokuto got up then walked to the two of them, he stares at Oikawa for a while then look at Kuroo.

They just smiled since they knew it's rude to be loud so they managed to just communicate with each other through eye contacts.

And of course it didn't worked out as it has gotten weirder with two idiots keep on winking at each other.

"Ah right, we brought you some food."

Kenma then hand Iwaizumi a milk bread, which making Iwaizumi softly gasp at it. Although the other third years didn't notice, but Kenma and Akaashi do.

Iwaizumi hugged the bread for a little while then slowly put it down, smiling at Kenma.

"Thank you... for bringing it.."

"It's alright"

They talked for a while. About Oikawa's conditions and how long have he been like that. But when they asked the reason why, Iwaizumi couldn't find himself to answer it.

He decided that it's best for him to not say it yet as he's scared he will cry in front of them.

Fortunately, all of them understand it and that's enough for Iwaizumi. He's really grateful to have an understanding friends.

Even though they aren't closed, but they knew each other more than anyone else.

"Alright, i guess it's time to leave now."

"Yea, thank you for having us Iwa!"

"Please take care of yourself Iwaizumi-san"

"If you ever needed any help just tell us"

Iwaizumi nodded and bid them good bye, he smiles softly to himself while making his way to his usual chair beside Oikawa.


"Some people came to visit you, Shittykawa."

Iwaizumi take his lover's hand then slowly pecked it. Letting his lips to linger for a moment on Oikawa's hand.

"I guess you are famous. I am not sure about others but perhaps they'll come soon. They are all understanding after all. Please wake up.. then we'll get to meet them soon together, alright?"

Iwaizumi softly whisper then kissed his boyfriend's forehead.

"Goodnight Tooru"

He lay his head on the mattress, with his hand still holding onto Oikawa's. He fell asleep.

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