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"Wooooo we are now freeeee"

Matsukawa shouts while his hands rested upon a fence that's preventing them from falling into a cliff.

They were now at the top of somewhat high grounds that allows them to take in the beautiful scenery of their hometown.

"No more schools, no more hell!"

Hanamaki then continue with his hand resting on top of Mattsun's. They were now smiling and laughing together, talking about god knows what.

"Iwa-chan.. what university do you want to enrolled in?"

"Don't know yet, why?"

"Oh i see. Nothing- i was just asking.."

"You're worried that we might get separated?"

The question has made Oikawa blushed, he looked away in embarrassment. He hate it. He hate feelings like he was the only one who cared.

"Even if we get enrolled in different university, we would still be together, Shittykawa."

Iwaizumi reach out to Oikawa's chin, making him to look at him in the eye. With that they slowly leaned in, eyes closed and about centimetres away from each other's lips. 

With that they closed the gap, Oikawa's hands draped over Iwaizumi's shoulder while Iwaizumi's are at Oikawa's waist.

"Oi get a room you two."

Matsukawa chirped in, teasing them both. This has made Iwaizumi and Oikawa to quickly pulled away, both are flushed red by embarrassment.

Hanamaki who has just noticed what had happened immediately smacked his lover's head.

"Why the hell are you interrupting them?!"

"Why? I can't?"

"Of course you can't! They were having a moment, dumbass!"

"Tch. Enough you two. We're going home now, we'll celebrate it later if that's alright."

Iwaizumi decided to stop them both as he sees Matsukawa's eyes flashes guilty.

"Eh why are we going home so early? I want to watch the stars and maybe we could see ufo tonight!"

Oikawa innocently opposed Iwaizumi's idea. He clearly didn't noticed his boyfriend's tent building up.

"Damn it, Shittykawa, just follow me."

He said sternly and then quickly grabbing Oikawa's wrist, dragging him to go home.

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