t w e n t y - o n e

427 18 19

"We.. have a visitor.."

Matsukawa who had opened the door, glanced back at his friends. They were all now looking at him while he opened the door to fully reveal the girl.

She walked inside, slowly and nervously looking around the room then stopped at Oikawa who's now glaring furiously at her.

"I uh- i would like to apologised.. for what i've done.."

"Yeah right."

Maki rolled his eyes clearly done with her bullshits.

Iwaizumi wasn't there at the moment, he said he was gonna come a little late than usual which is better for Oikawa to have a discussion with the bitc- girl.

"So? What do you want to say for yourself?"

"It's my fault- i- i have mixed the drink with a drug.. that could make Ha- Iwaizumi to be heated in that moment.."

"You fucking slut!"

Hanamaki shouts, he was so mad at the girl. Because of her, his best friends relationship went downhill. Mattsun quickly hug his boyfriend, preventing him from doing anything that might caused any problems.

"Maki.. stop it.."

"Can you come a little bit closer?"

Oikawa reach out his hand a little, asking for her to come closer, he said it calmly which makes the girl slightly relieved.


Oikawa slapped her. As much as he wanted to punch her right there, he couldn't. It is all because of the wires that's on his hands and arm.


she looked so shocked and there was Hanamaki laughing at the back, proud for his friend's action.

"Get the fuck away from my boyfriend and me! I don't want to ever see your face at all!"

Oikawa shouted, he doesn't care anymore. He just wants her to get out of his sight. He's disgusted by her.

"Get out"

Mattsun said calmly, he pointed to the door and as quick as the girl came in, she had already left. She left crying, dramatically holding her cheek that has reddened.

Maki smiles happily while high-five Mattsun. They were both happy with Oikawa's action which made Oikawa prouder.

"See, i know i'm amazing" he smirked.

The whole room filled with laughter and about two seconds after Iwaizumi came in.

"The hell happened while I'm gone?"

"Oh Iwa-chan!"

Oikawa smiles happily at him, patting beside him as a sign for him to sit which Iwaizumi gladly follows. He pecked his lover's lips, ruffling his hair making Oikawa pouted.

"My beautiful hair!"

"Now now Iwa. There is an unexpected guest that came a while ago"

Mattsun said, winking at his boyfriend with Maki nodded in agreement, eager to tell his friend what happened.

Right after he told Iwaizumi what had happened, they all laughed at it. Iwaizumi was so proud that Oikawa had managed to do that and so the night went on..

They had decided to sleep in the hospital, to keep Oikawa accompany since he said that he hates sleeping alone, especially in a hospital.


Iwaizumi woke up due to the sounds that was coming from Oikawa's heartbeat machine. It wasn't beating normally.

As if Oikawa had problems to breath properly and he quickly looked at Oikawa, he was struggling to breath.

Oikawa's hands reaching out for Iwaizumi, trying to grab his attention which he immediately goes to him.

"Shittykawa! What is it?! What's wrong?!"

"I- It.. h- hurts.. iwa- cha-"

He was gasping for air while one of his hand clenching down on his chest, making Iwaizumi worried even more and now is tearing up.

"Wait- i'll call the doctor!"

Iwaizumi ran out of the room, frantically searching for a doctor and thank goodness he found him. Due to the sounds that's being louder by seconds, Maki and Mattsun were both awake.

They are now standing beside Oikawa trying to calm him down. Worried expressions were obvious written on their faces.

"Oikawa, it's okay.. it's okay.. just breath in slowly"

Maki was holding onto Oikawa's hand tightly, trying to stop himself from crying. He was so scared.

The door flew opened revealing a doctor and Iwaizumi which they came rushing in to Oikawa.

He immediately checked Oikawa for a few seconds and all of a sudden he said

"We have to bring him to the operations room"

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