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"God damn it Shittykawa! Why are you acting like this?!"

"What do you mean acting like this?"

Oikawa asked calmly, it's been months now and soon they were going to graduate from high school.

"Don't act like you don't know! Just tell me what's bothering you!"

"Can we not talk about this in the morning? You came to my house just to scream at me?"

He said weakly, he was not in the mood to have a fight with Iwaizumi, especially if it's this stupid.

Iwaizumi frowned, he sighed then slowly sit at the edge of Oikawa's bed, stroking his hair.

"Look Tooru, i am tired of you acting like this all the time. I thought we have made up, what is bothering you? Just tell me and i'll listened."

Oikawa rolled his eyes, clearly tired of his friend's bullshits. It's freaking Saturday morning for god sakes! Can he just have a peaceful lazy day and away from Iwaizumi's hot headed problems.

"Iwa-chan, can we just not talked about this right now? I'm not in the mood."

"You keep saying that for the past months. I can see that you're lying. How long are you going to keep it?!"

"Long enough until you realised about it!"

That's it, he couldn't take it anymore. He's tired of hiding his feelings and he just want it to be over with.

"The fuck Tooru?! Realised what?! How am I supposed to know if you had never tell me!"

"I hate it! I hate seeing you with that girl! I hate that she could make you laugh when i can't! It's all her, lunch with her, studies with her! Can't you see it? I want all of your attentions!"

"Why would you hate her-"

"Because i love you Hajime!"


"I love you too"

"I love you so much that I can't live without you, I don't know what will i do if you will never wake up- no. No I can't say that.. you will wake up right?"

He mumbles to himself, tears once again flowing down on his cheeks, this was the day he couldn't stay strong. He felt like his heart would stop beating any moment and the only thing he could do was just holding tightly onto Oikawa's hand.

He missed him so much that it was breaking him, he prayed everyday for his lover to wake up. Oh how he missed hearing his shitty comments or his highly praised upon himself.

"I love you Oikawa Tooru and I will always do for the rest of my life"

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