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"What the hell happened!"

"Where is he?"

Both Hanamaki and Matsukawa came rushing in the hospital right after they heard the news from Iwaizumi.

"I- I told him what happened.. He ran a-and he got hit.."

Iwaizumi was now crying, he couldn't control it anymore. He felt so guilty that he's willing to trade his body parts with Oikawa if he ever needed one.

"Shh.. calm down.. Oikawa will be fine.. don't worry.."

Matsukawa was already crouching beside Iwaizumi. He was rubbing Iwaizumi, trying to calm him down while Hanamaki was trying to control his breathing.

"It's my fault.. it's my fault that he's like this.."

Few hours had passed and the operation still hasn't end. Iwaizumi kept on mumbling the same words all over again saying that it's his fault.

Both Maki and Mattsun went out for a while, buying some food to fill their empty stomachs.

"Are you the patient's family?"

"No- I'm his boyfriend.."

"Is his family member coming?"

"No- they are no longer here.."

Iwaizumi said while wiping his tears, he sniffles a little but that's alright, he's smiling weakly at the doctor trying to gain his composure.

"How is he doctor?"

"The operations went well, although few of his bones are clearly broken and some of them had damaged his heart a little that will caused him to have trouble breathing."

This had caused Iwaizumi to gasp, he was so worried that he was now depending onto the wall, trying not to fall down.

"He may be unconscious for now and we didn't know when he'll wake up just yet so we'll transfer him into one of the private room."



"Iwaizumi stop it! It's not your fault damn it!"

"But he's like this because of me!"

"No! It's because of that fucking truck driver!"

"Maki, you're not helping!"

"How come I'm not helping?! It's true!"

"Stop it you both!"

He plops down, sitting on a bench. Hanamaki and Matsukawa were both standing in front of him. They held a guilty expression and pitiful while staring down at Iwaizumi.

"I could've stop him.. if only i stop him from walking out of the room.."

He looks up, staring at the shiny stars. It looked so peaceful and calming. Oikawa would've love this..

"I just want him back.. please just let him come back to me.."

Tears slowly flow down making his vision to be blurry. Both Hanamaki and Matsukawa were crying too but still trying to hold back their tears.

They wish Iwaizumi have the chance to explain the truth..

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