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Y/N finally stepped foot onto the Hogwarts Express. It's her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She confidently strutted down the train aisle, looking for someone of exceptable blood status to sit with. After a few minutes of searching, Y/N spotted platinum blond hair peeking over a nearby seat. She automatically knew it was a fellow pureblood and started to make her way over. She quickly stepped in front of the seat and held out her hand.

"Shiny blond hair, silver eyes? You must be a Malfoy." Y/N said. The boy looked up at her, smirked and proceeded to shake her hand.

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. You must be part of the Dior family."

"How can you tell?" Y/N asked with an accompanying smile on her face.

"Judging by your attitude, your h/c, and your e/c, of course. They run in the family. My father, Lucius, works with your mother. Also, your father is obviously well-known for working alongside the minister." Draco answered.

    Y/N sat down across from him. Beside her were two other boys, but she didn't bother to learn their names. She knew that she would later find out who they were anyway.

"It's pleasure to meet you, Dior." Draco said while flashing another smile. "Didn't you hear the news?"

Y/N looked confused. Draco noticed and said, "Harry Potter is on this train. He may be famous or whatever, but he's still a filthy little half-blood. Either way, it would be worth it for me to become acquaintances with him." He sneered. You nodded and smiled in agreement. You could already tell that Draco is somebody that you could be good friends with.

    You both continue to converse throughout the train ride. You soon realize that you are getting close and decide to change into your robes. You started to head over to a bathroom to change. On your way back to the compartment, you see Draco and the other boys. You also notice another girl sitting there. She has short black hair and sort of looked like a pug. You walk into the compartment and ask the girl who she is.

"I'm Pansy Parkinson. Draco already explained to me that you're a Dior. It's nice to meet you." She said whilst looking impressed.

    "It's nice to meet you too." Y/N replied with a mouthful of sarcasm, but no one seemed to notice. Then you felt a jolt and realized the train had come to a stop. You felt a tingling feeling in your stomach and a bit of nervousness, but you refused to let anybody know. Draco, Pansy, and Y/N got up together and walked off the train. When you looked up from the ground, you saw the beautiful castle standing upon the hill it was on. Y/N is so excited to start this magical journey.

Blond Hair and Green Apples (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now