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The rest of second year went by in a flash. A little while after Y/N and Draco returned from Christmas holiday, something happened that shocked the entire school. The Chamber of Secrets opened again and Ginny was captured. Everyone was in fear.
Shortly after, Harry and Ron went down to the chamber and saved her. They even slayed a bloody Basilisk! That Potter and his stupid heroics. After that, the rest of the year went by pretty normally.
Y/N and Draco stepped foot on the Hogwarts express, yet again. They were both excited for the summer and promised to write each other since they would have quite combating schedules and couldn't meet up.
They found an empty compartment and sat down. Soon they were joined by Crabbe and Goyle. Blaise walked passed but Draco shot him a dirty look, warning him not to sit with them.
   Y/N and Draco talked the entire train ride back to London. When they arrived at Platform 9 and 3/4, both of their families were waiting for them. They gave each other a hug goodbye and they both felt butterflies, but they wouldn't dare admit it yet. Y/N then jumped up on her toes and kissed Draco on the cheek. He blushed, but she didn't notice.
"See you next school year, Draco. I'll miss you." Y/N said sorrowfully to her bestfriend.
"See you, Y/N." Draco replied with a smile.
With that they left towards their families. They had just finished their second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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