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Today is the third year's first care of magical creatures class with Hagrid. Y/N was clearly more excited than Draco. The third year Slytherins walked up to Hagrid's hut at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. The Gryffindors had already been waiting there.
"C'mon, now, get a move on!" Hagrid called to the class, walking along the outside of the forest. They came to an empty clearing.
"Everyone gather round the fence here!" Hagrid called out again. "Now, firs' thing yeh'll want ter do is open yer books-"
"How?" Malfoy interrupted, taking out his copy of 'The Monster Book of Monsters'.
"Yeh've got ter stroke 'em." Hagrid replied. "Look..." He then took Hermione's book and demonstrated. Draco gave him an apprehensive look and stroked the spine of the book. Y/N watched him as his hands glided down the book, his silver ring prominent. Y/N quickly snapped out of her stare before anyone could notice, and did the same stroking motion to her book. It stopped trying to bite at her and lay flat out.
"Oh, how silly we've all been!" Malfoy sneered. "We should have stroked them! Why didn't we guess?"
"They think they're funny" Y/N overheard Hermione say. Apparently Draco heard it as well.
"Oh yeah, terribly funny. Really witty! Gosh, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes!" Draco spat. Crabbe, Goyle, and a few other Slytherins laughed behind him.
"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry said, walking out from behind Hermione and Ron.
Draco looked sarcastically surprised when he sang, "ooOooOooo!"
Harry looked as mad as ever. Draco threw his bag to Crabbe and swished back his robe. He started to confidently strut up to Harry. Before making it all the way, he looked above Harry's head and into the distance.
"D-d-DEMENTOR! DEMENTOR!" Draco shouted. Harry was startled and turned around in an instant. The Slytherin's laughed as there was no dementor at all. Harry turned back around. The Slytherins had put their robe hoods on and taunted Harry. Hermione came up behind Harry and shot Draco a dirty look before pulling Harry back to their spot in class.
Hagrid then started to teach the lesson. Y/N stepped back, still in front of Draco. She noticed he had a green apple in his hand, then turned back to listen to what Hagrid was saying. Y/N couldn't even finish turning all the way around before she got pushed out of the way and onto the floor. She looked up and saw that it was Draco who had pushed her. He hastily held out his hand and repeatedly apologized. Y/N took his hand, but gave him straight attitude.
"Do you want a bite?" Draco asked Y/N, holding out the apple in his hand. Y/N looked away, not even giving a verbal answer.
"Alright." Draco shrugged and took a bite out of the apple. Y/N watched as she became breathn't. Why was she feeling this way? He's just a best friend.
After Harry had returned from his Hippogriff ride, Draco was pissed off. He approached the Hippogriff, Buckbeak saying, "Yeah... You're not dangerous at all are you!"
"Draco, no!" Hagrid shouted, Buckbeak had stood up on his hind legs. His talons then dug into Draco's arm. He let out a high pitched scream and curled up into the grass. He whimper shouted, "It's killed meh! It's killed meh!"
Y/N was stunned with shock, but thought to herself, "ugh, so over-dramatic."
Hagrid said aloud, "Yer not dyin'!" He scooped Draco into his arms. "Class dismissed!"
Y/N followed after them, Pansy on her heels.
You could hear the faint complaints of Malfoy, "Wait until my father hears about you and your bloody chicken!"
Hagrid carried Draco all the way up to the hospital wing. Y/N, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle were shadowed close behind.

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