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Christmas break was just around the corner. Draco and Y/N were about to hop onto the Hogwarts Express when Blaise Zabini, a fellow second year Slytherin, joined them. Y/N smiled at him and linked arms. Draco was instantly jealous.
"I thought linking arms was our thing?" Draco whispered to Y/N, clearly confused.
Y/N furrowed her brows and turned back to Blaise. The train ride home was a rather uncomfortable one for Draco. Instead of Y/N sitting with him, she sat beside Blaise on the other side of the compartment.
Nearing the end of the train ride, Y/N left to use the washroom.
"What do you think you're doing with Y/N?" Draco angrily asked Blaise.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Blaise answered.
"You know what I'm talking about!" Draco shot back.
"I thought you knew?"
Before Draco could say anything back, Y/N re-entered the compartment, sitting beside Blaise.
"Aren't you guys excited for the Christmas party?" Y/N asked the two boys.
They exchanged confused looks with each other.
"Well?" Y/N asked again, hoping for confirmation.
"I thought it was just my family with yours?" Draco asked.
"What?" Blaise said loudly. "Thats what I thought."
"Both of your families are coming! The Diores, Malfoys, and Zabinis!" Y/N responded to Draco and Blaise's confusion. Draco was taken aback, unsure of how the Christmas party would go.


    It was the evening of the Christmas party. Y/N was wearing an extravagant short black dress. It was beautifully detailed and had an open back.

Y/N was anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Malfoys and Zabinis

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Y/N was anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Malfoys and Zabinis. She heard a knock on the door and ran down the stairs. Once she had made it to the front foyer, she saw Draco and his parents, Lucius and Narcissa, standing in the doorway. Y/N felt a wave of excitement run threw her body. Draco was dressed spectacularly. He was wearing a full emerald green suit.

 He was wearing a full emerald green suit

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His parents were as dashing as always.
Y/N's parents invited them in and took Mr and Mrs Malfoy to the dining room. This left Draco and Y/N standing in the foyer. Before things got awkward, Y/N noticed a flash outside.
"Mother! Our other guests are here!" Y/N shouted to her mom.
Now everyone was in the foyer as Mr and Mrs Diore invited the Zabini's in. Blaise walked in wearing a full red velvet suit. Y/N was swooned.

 Blaise smiled at Y/N and stood beside her

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Blaise smiled at Y/N and stood beside her. Draco was clearly jealous. Y/N didn't seem to notice, but Blaise sure did.
After the parents had left the room, Blaise pulled Draco aside, leaving Y/N to wait by herself.
"What's with the looks you're giving me?" Blaise whispered.
"I don't like the way you're looking at her." Draco answered.
"Do you have a problem with my girlfriend and me?" Blaise hissed back.
"Girlfriend?" Draco yelled in surprise. Y/N could obviously hear their conversation and she started to walk over.
"I'm sorry, Malfoy. I was waiting for the right time to tell you." Y/N said with sorrow.
"I mean... It's alright." Draco replied. He was masking his rage with a fake smirk.
    After they had finished a marvellous dinner, the three kids went upstairs, leaving the adults behind.
"Feel free to walk around." Y/N announced, splitting ways with Draco.
Y/N and Blaise walked right into her room, not even thinking about touring the rest of the upstairs. They sat down on her bed and Y/N leaned on his shoulder. Blaise looked down and lifted up Y/N's chin. She could already tell what was about to happen, though something felt off. She played it off as nervousness, since it would be her first kiss. Then, in a flash, their lips met. Y/N didn't know how to act!
"WHAT IN MERLIN'S BEARD IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Blaise quickly pulled away from Y/N and hastily stood up. Draco was appalled. Holding back his infuriating rage, he said shakily, "May I have a word with Y/N in private, please?"
"Can you just leave?" Blaise said, annoyed.
Without hesitation, Draco swung his fist at Blaise, knocking him in the middle of face. He let out a whimper. Even Y/N could tell that hurt. She quickly fixed his pain with a spell and turned back to Draco.
"Blaise, wait here." She said, not taking her eyes off Draco. Y/N grabbed his arm and walked into another room.
"What do you have to say for yourself?" Y/N asked.
"I don't know, Diore. I just got mad when I saw you two-"
"Why would you get mad?" Y/N interrupted, still confused.
"I'm just trying to protect you." Draco said finally.
Y/N didn't know how to respond to that and stormed back to her room to see Blaise.
    Soon after this had happened, Mr and Mrs Zabini had called for Blaise. Everyone had met once again in the front foyer and said their goodbyes to the Zabinis. Blaise hadn't even bothered to shake Draco's hand. Once he got around to Y/N, he pulled her aside.
"I see the way Draco looks at you." Blaise said without context.
Y/N's jaw dropped.
"I don't want to constantly be competing with him. I have to break up with you." Blaise turned around and left the Diore Dynasty.
Once they had left, the Diore and Malfoy parents had returned to their conversations in the dining room.
Draco looked at Y/N. She was stiff with shock, glaring into nothing. Draco then held her hand and guided her back to her room.
"Y/N! Y/N!" Draco snapped his fingers in front of your face.
"Yes." She said, still in shock.
"What's wrong? What did he say to you? I'll kill him." Draco was very worried.
Y/N couldn't even open her mouth without crying. She fell into Draco's lap.
"He broke up with me." Y/N muttered. As soon as Draco heard these words, he felt relief in a way.
"Get up." He said. Y/N furrowed her brows at him, but got up anyways.
Draco turned on some slow Christmas music.
"What are you doing?" Y/N said, confused once again.
"It's okay, it's okay." Draco shushed her, placing one hand on her waist and holding the other hand in the air.
They began to sway in one spot. Y/N was surprised to say the least. She would never expect Draco to do such a thing.
    The night had gone along. Draco and Y/N were still peacefully dancing well after midnight. This was the first time in a while where Y/N had felt a sense of security. She could feel his cold hands on her open back. She could feel the band of his ring as well. She even smelt his minty fresh breath and his signature cologne. Y/N knew that it was designer just by sniffing it. They continued to calmly dance as Draco was stroking her soft hair. Y/N leaned closer to him, but he pulled away. Y/N understood that this night would soon have to come to an end. Draco leaned in to kiss her forehead. As Draco did this, Y/N felt a flutter in her stomach.

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