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Y/N burst into the empty common room and started throwing pillows across the room. Draco came through the doors just a minute later. You stopped instantly and stared at him in silence.
"I can't believe you actually did that!" Draco laughed. "Thank you by the way, she's so annoying."
Y/N calmed down, smiled, and also started laughing. Draco walked over to the couch and they sat next to each other. They talked for a while until the doors flew open and all the Slytherins started to flood into the foyer of the common room. Draco and Y/N shot up out of their seats. Before they could even ask what was happening, the Slytherin prefect shouted, "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! Everyone get up to your dorms now!"
Y/N looked over at Draco. This time he wasn't wearing his signature smirk, but instead a face filled with fear. They both ran up to their separate dorms and waited to see what would happen next.
As Y/N plopped onto her bed, she saw a pumpkin juice covered Pansy walk through the door. She laughed to herself and closed her bed curtains.
    A few hours past and the female Slytherin prefect walked into the girls dorms. She said everything was now under control, but didn't provide any further details. Y/N was so tired at that point, she just went to bed and told herself that she would find what happened in the morning.
    The next morning came. As Y/N was walking down for breakfast, she heard a group of students saying that it was Harry, Ron, Hermione who had stopped the troll. Y/N rolled her eyes and walked into the Great Hall. Thankfully, Pansy was not there yet. It was only Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. Y/N walked up to Draco and he scooted to the side, motioning for you to sit next to him. Y/N gladly sat down next to him and started talking. "Did you hear what everyone is saying about Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the troll?"
"What? That they're all related?" Draco asked and they all laughed. "But seriously, I doubt that they actually took down that troll."
Y/N agreed. They both passed it off as a rumour and began to eat breakfast.


    It is now the end of first year. Slytherin has just won the house cup. Everyone was still marvelling over the "Quirrel Incident". Draco and Y/N were overjoyed as well as the other Slytherins. This only lasted for about 10 seconds before Dumbledore stood up and started to speak.
"Yes, yes, well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account." The whole hall fell silent and still. "I have a few last minute points to dish out. First to Mr Ronald Weasley..."
"You can not be serious right now." Draco whispered to Y/N. Y/N turned around and gave him a confused look before facing Dumbledore again.
"...for the best played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor house fifty points!"
The Gryffindor table roared with cheers. After a few moments, the hall fell silent once again.
"Second, to Miss Hermione Granger... for the use of cool logic in the face of fire, I award Gryffindor house fifty points!"
    The Gryffindors cheered once again. Draco and Y/N stared at each other, speechless.
"Third, to Mr Harry Potter... for pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house sixty points!"
This time the Gryffindors didn't cheer. They were now tied with Slytherin.
"There are all kinds of courage. It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I therefore award ten points to Mr Neville Longbottom."
The Gryffindors exploded in screams, cheers, and shouts.
Draco, Y/N, and all the other Slytherins were white with shock. Their jaws dropped and they all looked petrified.
"Which means we need a little change of decoration!" Dumbledore called over the greatly loud applause.
The green hangings became scarlet and the silver became gold. The huge Slytherin serpent vanished and a great Gryffindor lion took its place.
"What a biased bloke!" Draco shouted in pure rage.
"Honestly! What a load of-" Y/N was cut off by a flying biscuit. She looked away from Draco and into the hall. The Slytherins had started a food fight with the Gryffindors! Soon enough Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff joined in. There were flying carrots, cake, chicken legs, mashed potato balls, and even juice was sprayed across the Great Hall. As Draco and Y/N whipped green apples directly at Harry and Ron, she heard a scream. She jumped down from the table to go and investigate. The screaming continued and she saw Pansy drenched with pumpkin juice. Draco came up behind Y/N and they fell to the floor, hollering with laughter.
    Once the teachers had got everything back under control, it was almost time to go back to their common rooms. Draco and Y/N left earlier than the rest of their house. They got back to the common room and started to pack their things.
"You better send me owls through the summer!" Y/N told Draco as she came back from her dorm.
"Of course I will!" Draco responded.
They both spread their arms and leaned in for a hug. As they separated from the hug, Y/N gave Draco a quick kiss on the cheek. The pair smiled at each other and left the common room. When they were walking, Draco felt a tingling feeling in his stomach. He was confused as to why this was happening, but eventually ignored it.
    They set foot onto the Hogwarts Express, sat together, rambled on about how crazy this year has been and how excited they were for the next one.

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